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PY1111C BUW1215 MCL245 SMDA05 BR20100 SDS001 TLP590B HA16603
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  Datasheet File OCR Text: p/no : mfl67651192 (1301-rev00) 32ln520b 42ln5200 32ln530b 32ln5300 39ln5300 42ln5300 42ln5400 47ln5400 50ln5400 55LN5400 please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. owners manual led tv * lg led tv applies lcd screen with led backlights.
english 2 important safety instructions  y 'rqrwxvhwklvdssdudwxvqhduzdwhu  y &ohdqrqo\zlwkdgu\forwk  y 'rqrweorfndq\yhqwlodwlrqrshqlqjv,qvwdoolq dffrugdqfhzlwkwkhpdqxidfwxuhuvlqvwuxfwlrqv  y 'rqrwlqvwdooqhdudq\khdwvrxufhvvxfkdv udgldwruvkhdwuhjlvwhuvvwryhvrurwkhudssdudwxv lqfoxglqjdpsolilhuv wkdwsurgxfhkhdw  y 'rqrwghihdwwkhvdihw\sxusrvhriwkhsrodul]hg rujurxqglqjw\shsoxj$srodul]hgsoxjkdvwzr eodghvzlwkrqhzlghuwkdqwkhrwkhu$jurxqglqj w\shsoxjkdvwzreodghvdqgdwklugjurxqglqj surqj7khzlgheodghruwkhwklugsurqjduh surylghgiru\rxuvdihw\,iwkhsurylghgsoxjgrhv qrwilwlqwr\rxurxwohwfrqvxowdqhohfwulfldqiru uhsodfhphqwriwkhrevrohwhrxwohw &dqgliihue\ frxqwu\   y 'rqrwsuhvvvwurqjo\xsrqwkhsdqhozlwkdkdqgru dvkdusremhfwvxfkdvdqdloshqflorushqrupdnh dvfudwfkrqlw :$51,1* 7klvsurgxfwfrqwdlqvfkhplfdovnqrzq wrwkh6wdwhri&doliruqldwrfdxvhfdqfhudqgeluwk ghihfwvrurwkhuuhsurgxfwlyhkdup :dvkkdqgvdiwhukdqgolqj 5hdgwkhvhlqvwuxfwlrqv .hhswkhvhlqvwuxfwlrqv +hhgdoozduqlqjv )roorzdoolqvwuxfwlrqv important safety instructions $ozd\vfrpso\zlwkwkhiroorzlqjsuhfdxwlrqvwrdyrlggdqjhurxv vlwxdwlrqvdqghqvxuhshdnshuirupdqfhri\rxu surgxfw warning/caution risk of electric shock do not open 725('8&(7+(5,6.2)(/(&75,&6+2&.'2 1275(029(&29(5 25%$&.  1286(56(59,&($%/(3$576,16,'( 5()(57248$/,),('6(59,&(3(56211(/ 7kholjkwqlqjiodvkzlwkduurzkhdgv\pero zlwklqdqhtxlodwhudowuldqjohlvlqwhqghgwr dohuwwkhxvhuwrwkhsuhvhqfhri xqlqvxodwhg|gdqjhurxvyrowdjh}zlwklqwkh surgxfwvhqforvxuhwkdwpd\ehrivxiilflhqw pdjqlwxghwrfrqvwlwxwhdulvnrihohfwulfvkrfnwr shuvrqv 7khh[fodpdwlrqsrlqwzlwklqdqhtxlodwhudo wuldqjohlvlqwhqghgwrdohuwwkhxvhuwrwkh suhvhqfhrilpsruwdqwrshudwlqjdqg pdlqwhqdqfh vhuylflqj lqvwuxfwlrqvlqwkholwhudwxuh dffrpsdq\lqjwkhdssoldqfh :$51,1*&$87,21 725('8&(7+(5,6.2)),5($1'(/(&75,& 6+2&.'2127(;326(7+,6352'8&772 5$,12502,6785( warning ,i\rxljqruhwkhzduqlqjphvvdjh\rxpd\eh vhulrxvo\lqmxuhgruwkhuhlvdsrvvlelolw\ridfflghqw rughdwk caution ,i\rxljqruhwkhfdxwlrqphvvdjh\rxpd\eh voljkwo\lqmxuhgruwkhsurgxfwpd\ehgdpdjhg note 7khqrwhkhosv\rxxqghuvwdqgdqgxvhwkhsurgxfw vdiho\3ohdvhuhdgwkhqrwhfduhixoo\ehiruhxvlqj wkhsurgxfw
english 3 important safety instructions  y 3urwhfwwkhsrzhufrugiurpehlqjzdonhgrq ruslqfkhgsduwlfxoduo\dwsoxjvfrqyhqlhqfh uhfhswdfohvdqgwkhsrlqwzkhuhwkh\h[lwiurpwkh dssdudwxv  y 2qo\xvhdwwdfkphqwvdffhvvrulhvvshflilhge\wkh pdqxidfwxuhu  y 8vhrqo\zlwkdfduwvwdqgwulsrgeudfnhwruwdeoh vshflilhge\wkhpdqxidfwxuhuruvrogzlwkwkh dssdudwxv:khqdfduwlvxvhgxvhfdxwlrqzkhq prylqjwkhfduwdssdudwxvfrpelqdwlrqwrdyrlg lqmxu\iurpwlsryhu  y 8qsoxjwklvdssdudwxvgxulqjoljkwqlqjvwrupvru zkhqxqxvhgiruorqjshulrgvriwlph  y 5hihudoovhuylflqjwrtxdolilhgvhuylfhshuvrqqho 6huylflqjlvuhtxluhgzkhqwkhdssdudwxvkdvehhq gdpdjhglqdq\zd\vxfkdvsrzhuvxsso\frugru soxjlvgdpdjhgoltxlgkdvehhqvsloohgruremhfwv kdyhidoohqlqwrwkhdssdudwxvwkhdssdudwxvkdv ehhqh[srvhgwrudlqruprlvwxuhgrhvqrwrshudwh qrupdoo\rukdvehhqgursshg  y 'rqrwvwlfnphwdoremhfwvrudq\rwkhufrqgxfwlyh pdwhuldolqwrwkhsrzhufrug'rqrwwrxfkwkhhqg riwkhsrzhufrugzklohlwlvsoxjjhglq  y .hhswkhsdfnlqjdqwlprlvwxuhpdwhuldoruylq\o sdfnlqjrxwriwkhuhdfkrifkloguhq$qwlprlvwxuh pdwhuldolvkdupixolivzdoorzhg,ivzdoorzhg e\plvwdnhirufhwkhsdwlhqwwryrplwdqgylvlw wkhqhduhvwkrvslwdo$gglwlrqdoo\ylq\osdfnlqj fdqfdxvhvxiirfdwlrq.hhslwrxwriwkhuhdfkri fkloguhq  y &$87,21frqfhuqlqjwkh3rzhu&rug &dqgliihue\frxqwu\  ,wlvuhfrpphqghgwkdwdssoldqfhvehsodfhgxsrqd ghglfdwhgflufxlwwkdwlvdvlqjohrxwohwflufxlwzklfk srzhuvrqo\wkdwdssoldqfhdqgkdvqrdgglwlrqdo rxwohwvrueudqfkflufxlwv&khfnwkhvshflilfdwlrq sdjhriwklvrzqhuvpdqxdowrehfhuwdlq'r qrwfrqqhfwwrrpdq\dssoldqfhvwrwkhvdph$& srzhurxwohwdvwklvfrxoguhvxowlqiluhruhohfwulf vkrfn'rqrwryhuordgzdoorxwohwv2yhuordghg zdoorxwohwvorrvhrugdpdjhgzdoorxwohwv h[whqvlrqfrugviud\hgsrzhufrugvrugdpdjhgru fudfnhgzluhlqvxodwlrqduhgdqjhurxv$q\riwkhvh frqglwlrqvfrxoguhvxowlqhohfwulfvkrfnruiluh 3hulrglfdoo\h[dplqhwkhfrugri\rxudssoldqfhdqg lilwvdsshdudqfhlqglfdwhvgdpdjhrughwhulrudwlrq xqsoxjlwglvfrqwlqxhxvhriwkhdssoldqfhdqgkdyh wkhfruguhsodfhgzlwkdqh[dfwuhsodfhphqwsduw e\dqdxwkrul]hgvhuylfh3urwhfwwkhsrzhufrug iurpsk\vlfdoruphfkdqlfdodexvhvxfkdvehlqj wzlvwhgnlqnhgslqfkhgforvhglqdgrruruzdonhg xsrq3d\sduwlfxodudwwhqwlrqwrsoxjvzdoorxwohwv dqgwkhsrlqwzkhuhwkhfrugh[lwvwkhdssoldqfh'r qrwpryhwkh79zlwkwkhsrzhufrugsoxjjhglq 'rqrwxvhdgdpdjhgruorrvhsrzhufrug%hvxuh grjudvswkhsoxjzkhqxqsoxjjlqjwkhsrzhufrug 'rqrwsxoorqwkhsrzhufrugwrxqsoxjwkh79  y :duqlqj 7ruhgxfhwkhulvnriiluhruhohfwulfdo vkrfngrqrwh[srvhwklvsurgxfwwrudlqprlvwxuh rurwkhuoltxlgv'rqrwwrxfkwkh79zlwkzhw kdqgv'rqrwlqvwdoowklvsurgxfwqhduiodppdeoh remhfwvvxfkdvjdvrolqhrufdqgohvruh[srvhwkh 79wrgluhfwdlufrqglwlrqlqj  y 'rqrwh[srvhwrgulsslqjruvsodvklqjdqggrqrw sodfhremhfwviloohgzlwkoltxlgvvxfkdvydvhvfxsv hwfrqruryhuwkhdssdudwxv hjrqvkhoyhvderyh wkhxqlw 
english 4 important safety instructions  y *urxqglqj ([fhswirughylfhvzklfkduhqrwjurxqghg  (qvxuhwkdw\rxfrqqhfwwkhhduwkjurxqgzluhwr suhyhqwsrvvleohhohfwulfvkrfn lhd79zlwkd wkuhhsurqjjurxqghg$&soxjpxvwehfrqqhfwhg wrdwkuhhsurqjjurxqghg$&rxwohw ,ijurxqglqj phwkrgvduhqrwsrvvleohkdyhdtxdolilhg hohfwulfldqlqvwdoodvhsdudwhflufxlweuhdnhu'rqrw wu\wrjurxqgwkhxqlwe\frqqhfwlqjlwwrwhohskrqh zluhvoljkwhqlqjurgvrujdvslshv short-circuit breaker power supply  y $vorqjdvwklvxqlwlvfrqqhfwhgwrwkh$&zdoo rxwohwlwlvqrwglvfrqqhfwhgiurpwkh$&srzhu vrxufhhyhqliwkhxqlwlvwxuqhgrii  y 'rqrwdwwhpswwrprgli\wklvsurgxfwlqdq\zd\ zlwkrxwzulwwhqdxwkrul]dwlrqiurp/*(ohfwurqlfv 8qdxwkrul]hgprglilfdwlrqfrxogyrlgwkhxvhuv dxwkrulw\wrrshudwhwklvsurgxfw  y 2xwgrru$qwhqqd*urxqglqj  &dqgliihue\frxqwu\  ,idqrxwgrrudqwhqqdlvlqvwdoohgiroorzwkh suhfdxwlrqvehorz$qrxwgrrudqwhqqdv\vwhp vkrxogqrwehorfdwhglqwkhylflqlw\riryhukhdg srzhuolqhvrurwkhuhohfwulfoljkwrusrzhuflufxlwv ruzkhuhlwfdqfrphlqfrqwdfwzlwkvxfksrzhu olqhvruflufxlwvdvghdwkruvhulrxvlqmxu\fdqrffxu %hvxuhwkhdqwhqqdv\vwhplvjurxqghgvrdvwr surylghvrphsurwhfwlrqdjdlqvwyrowdjhvxujhv dqgexlowxsvwdwlffkdujhv6hfwlrqriwkh 1dwlrqdo(ohfwulfdo&rgh 1(& lqwkh86$surylghv lqirupdwlrqzlwkuhvshfwwrsurshujurxqglqjriwkh pdvwdqgvxssruwlqjvwuxfwxuhjurxqglqjriwkh ohdglqzluhwrdqdqwhqqdglvfkdujhxqlwvl]hri jurxqglqjfrqgxfwruvorfdwlrqridqwhqqdglvfkdujh xqlwfrqqhfwlrqwrjurxqglqjhohfwurghvdqg uhtxluhphqwviruwkhjurxqglqjhohfwurgh $qwhqqdjurxqglqjdffruglqjwrwkh1dwlrqdo (ohfwulfdo&rgh$16,1)3$ ground clamp grounding conductor (nec section 810-21) antenna lead in wire electric service equipment antenna discharge unit (nec section 810-20) ground clamp power service grounding electrode system (nec art 250, part h) nec: national electrical code  y &ohdqlqj :khqfohdqlqjxqsoxjwkhsrzhufrugdqgzlsh jhqwo\zlwkdvriwforwkwrsuhyhqwvfudwfklqj'r qrwvsud\zdwhururwkhuoltxlgvgluhfwo\rqwkh79 dvhohfwulfvkrfnpd\rffxu'rqrwfohdqzlwk fkhplfdovvxfkdvdofrkrowklqqhuvruehq]lqh  y 0rylqj 0dnhvxuhwkhsurgxfwlvwxuqhgriixqsoxjjhg dqgdoofdeohvkdyhehhquhpryhg,wpd\wdnhru pruhshrsohwrfduu\odujhu79v'rqrwsuhvvrusxw vwuhvvrqwkhiurqwsdqhoriwkh79  y 9hqwlodwlrq ,qvwdoo\rxu79zkhuhwkhuhlvsurshuyhqwlodwlrq'r qrwlqvwdoolqdfrqilqhgvsdfhvxfkdvderrnfdvh 'rqrwfryhuwkhsurgxfwzlwkforwkrurwkhu pdwhuldovzklohsoxjjhg'rqrwlqvwdoolqh[fhvvlyho\ gxvw\sodfhv  y ,i\rxvphoovprnhrurwkhurgruvfrplqjiurp wkh79xqsoxjwkhsrzhufrugdqgfrqwdfwdq dxwkrul]hgvhuylfhfhqwhu  y .hhswkhsurgxfwdzd\iurpgluhfwvxqoljkw  y 1hyhuwrxfkwklvdssdudwxvrudqwhqqdgxulqjd wkxqghuruoljkwqlqjvwrup  y :khqprxqwlqjd79rqwkhzdoopdnhvxuhqrw wrlqvwdoowkh79e\kdqjlqjwkhsrzhudqgvljqdo fdeohvrqwkhedfnriwkh79  y 'rqrwdoorzdqlpsdfwvkrfnrudq\remhfwvwridoo lqwrwkhsurgxfwdqggrqrwgursdq\wklqjrqwrwkh vfuhhq  y 'lvfrqqhfwlqjwkh0dlq3rzhu 7khsrzhurxwohwxvhgzlwkwklvghylfhpxvwuhpdlq hdvlo\dffhvvleoh  y 6wruhwkhdffhvvrulhv edwwhu\hwf lqdvdih orfdwlrqrxwriwkhuhdfkrifkloguhq  y 7klvdssdudwxvxvhedwwhulhv,q\rxufrppxqlw\ wkhuhpljkwehuhjxodwlrqvwkdwuhtxluh\rx wrglvsrvhriwkhvhedwwhulhvsurshuo\gxhwr hqylurqphqwdofrqvlghudwlrqv3ohdvhfrqwdfw\rxu orfdodxwkrulwlhviruglvsrvdoruuhf\folqjlqirupdwlrq  y 'rqrwglvsrvhriedwwhulhvlqdiluh  y 'rqrwvkruwflufxlwglvdvvhpeohrudoorzwkh edwwhulhvwrryhukhdw
english 5 important safety instructions  y 'rw'hihfw 7kh3odvpdru/&'sdqholvdkljkwhfkqrorj\ surgxfwzlwkuhvroxwlrqriwzrploolrqwrvl[ploolrq sl[hov,qdyhu\ihzfdvhv\rxfrxogvhhilqhgrwv rqwkhvfuhhqzkloh\rxuhylhzlqjwkh797krvh grwvduhghdfwlydwhgsl[hovdqggrqrwdiihfwwkh shuirupdqfhdqguholdelolw\riwkh79  y *hqhudwhg6rxqg |&udfnlqj}qrlvh$fudfnlqjqrlvhwkdwrffxuv zkhqzdwfklqjruwxuqlqjriiwkh79lvjhqhudwhge\ sodvwlfwkhupdofrqwudfwlrqgxhwrwhpshudwxuhdqg kxplglw\7klvqrlvhlvfrpprqirusurgxfwvzkhuh wkhupdoghirupdwlrqlvuhtxluhg (ohfwulfdoflufxlwkxpplqjsdqhoex]]lqj$orzohyho qrlvhlvjhqhudwhgiurpdkljkvshhgvzlwfklqj flufxlwzklfkvxssolhvdodujhdprxqwrifxuuhqw wrrshudwhdsurgxfw,wydulhvghshqglqjrqwkh surgxfw 7klvjhqhudwhgvrxqggrhvqrwdiihfwwkh shuirupdqfhdqguholdelolw\riwkhsurgxfw  y 7dnhfduhqrwwrwrxfkwkhyhqwlodwlrqrshqlqjv :khqzdwfklqjwkh79irudorqjshulrgwkh yhqwlodwlrqrshqlqjvpd\ehfrphkrw7klvgrhv qrwdiihfwwkhshuirupdqfhriwkhsurgxfwrufdxvh ghihfwvlqwkhsurgxfw  y ,iwkh79ihhovfrogwrwkhwrxfkwkhuhpd\ehd vpdoo|iolfnhu}zkhqlwlvwxuqhgrq7klvlvqrupdo wkhuhlvqrwklqjzurqjzlwk796rphplqxwhgrw ghihfwvpd\ehylvleohrqwkhvfuhhqdsshdulqjdv wlq\uhgjuhhqrueoxhvsrwv+rzhyhuwkh\kdyh qrdgyhuvhhiihfwrqwkh79vshuirupdqfh$yrlg wrxfklqjwkh/&'vfuhhqrukroglqj\rxuilqjhu v  djdlqvwlwiruorqjshulrgvriwlph'rlqjvrpd\ surgxfhvrphwhpsrudu\glvwruwlrqhiihfwvrqwkh vfuhhq preventing image burn or burn-in on your tv screen  y ,idil[hglpdjhglvsod\vrqwkh79vfuhhqirudorqj shulrgriwlphlwzlooehlpsulqwhgdqgehfrphd shupdqhqwglviljxuhphqwrqwkhvfuhhq7klvlv |lpdjhexuq}ru|exuqlq}dqgqrwfryhuhge\wkh zduudqw\  y ,iwkhdvshfwudwlrriwkh79lvvhwwrirud orqjshulrgriwlphlpdjhexuqpd\rffxurqwkh ohwwhuer[hgduhdriwkhvfuhhq  y $yrlgglvsod\lqjdil[hglpdjhrqwkh79vfuhhqiru dorqjshulrgriwlph rupruhkrxuviru/&' rupruhkrxuviruwkh3odvpd79 wrsuhyhqwlpdjh exuq )ru86$dqg&dqdgd fcc notice 7klvhtxlsphqwkdvehhqwhvwhgdqgirxqgwr frpso\zlwkwkholplwvirud&odvv%gljlwdoghylfh sxuvxdqwwr3duwriwkh)&&5xohv7khvholplwv duhghvljqhgwrsurylghuhdvrqdeohsurwhfwlrq djdlqvwkdupixolqwhuihuhqfhlqduhvlghqwldo lqvwdoodwlrq7klvhtxlsphqwjhqhudwhvxvhvdqgfdq udgldwhudglriuhtxhqf\hqhuj\dqgliqrwlqvwdoohg dqgxvhglqdffrugdqfhzlwkwkhlqvwuxfwlrqvpd\ fdxvhkdupixolqwhuihuhqfhwrudglrfrppxqlfdwlrqv +rzhyhuwkhuhlvqrjxdudqwhhwkdwlqwhuihuhqfh zlooqrwrffxulqdsduwlfxodulqvwdoodwlrq,iwklv htxlsphqwgrhvfdxvhkdupixolqwhuihuhqfhwrudglr ruwhohylvlrquhfhswlrqzklfkfdqehghwhuplqhg e\wxuqlqjwkhhtxlsphqwriidqgrqwkhxvhulv hqfrxudjhgwrwu\wrfruuhfwwkhlqwhuihuhqfhe\rqh rupruhriwkhiroorzlqjphdvxuhv 5hrulhqwruuhorfdwhwkhuhfhlylqjdqwhqqd ,qfuhdvhwkhvhsdudwlrqehwzhhqwkh htxlsphqwdqgwkhuhfhlyhu &rqqhfwwkhhtxlsphqwwrdqrxwohwrqdflufxlw gliihuhqwiurpwkdwwrzklfkwkhuhfhlyhulv frqqhfwhg &rqvxowwkhghdohurudqh[shulhqfhgudglr79 whfkqlfldqirukhos 7klvghylfhfrpsolhvzlwksduwriwkh)&&5xohv 2shudwlrqlvvxemhfwwrwkhiroorzlqjwzrfrqglwlrqv  wklvghylfhpd\qrwfdxvhkdupixolqwhuihuhqfh dqg  wklvghylfhpxvwdffhswdq\lqwhuihuhqfh uhfhlyhglqfoxglqjlqwhuihuhqfhwkdwpd\fdxvh xqghvluhgrshudwlrqriwkhghylfh $q\fkdqjhvruprglilfdwlrqvlqfrqvwuxfwlrqri wklvghylfhzklfkduhqrwh[suhvvo\dssuryhge\ wkhsduw\uhvsrqvleohirufrpsoldqfhfrxogyrlgwkh xvhuvdxwkrulw\wrrshudwhwkhhtxlsphqw note to cable/tv installer 7klvuhplqghulvsurylghgwrfdoowkh&$79v\vwhp lqvwdoohuvdwwhqwlrqwr$uwlfohriwkh1dwlrqdo (ohfwulf&rgh 86$ 7khfrghsurylghvjxlgholqhv irusurshujurxqglqjdqglqsduwlfxoduvshflilhv wkdwwkhfdeohjurxqgvkdooehfrqqhfwhgwrwkh jurxqglqjv\vwhpriwkhexloglqjdvforvhwrwkh srlqwriwkhfdeohhqwu\dvsudfwlfdo
english 6 licenses / open source software notice licenses 6xssruwhgolfhqvhvpd\gliihue\prgho)rupruhlqirupdwlrqde rxwolfhqvhvylvlw~zzzojfrp 0dqxidfwxuhgxqghuolfhqvhiurp'roe\/derudwrulhv|'roe\}dqg wkhgrxeoh'v\peroduh wudghpdunvri'roe\/derudwrulhv +'0,wkh+'0,orjrdqg+ljk'hilqlwlrq0xowlphgld,qwhuidfhdu hwudghpdunvruuhjlvwhuhg wudghpdunvri+'0,/lfhqvlqj//& open source software notice 7rrewdlqwkhvrxufhfrghxqghu*3//*3/03/dqgrwkhurshqv rxufholfhqvhvwkdwlvfrqwdlqhglqwklvsurgxfw sohdvhylvlw~kwwsrshqvrxufhojhfrp ,qdgglwlrqwrwkhvrxufhfrghdoouhihuuhgolfhqvhwhupvzdu udqw\glvfodlphuvdqgfrs\uljkwqrwlfhvduhdydlodeohiru grzqordg /*(ohfwurqlfvzloodovrsurylghrshqvrxufhfrghwr\rxrq&' 520irudfkdujhfryhulqjwkhfrvwrishuiruplqjvxfk glvwulexwlrq vxfkdvwkhfrvwriphgldvklsslqjdqgkdqgolqj xsrqhpdlouhtxhvwwr~rshqvrxufh#ojhfrp7klvriihu lvydolgiruwkuhh  \hduviurpwkhgdwhrqzklfk\rxsxufkdv hgwkhsurgxfw
english 7 table of contents 2 important safety instructions 6 licenses 6 open source software notice 7 table of contents 8 installation procedure 8 assembling and preparing 8 unpacking 10 parts and buttons 11 additional information of the manual 11 lifting and moving the tv 12 setting up the tv 12 - attaching the stand 13 - mounting on a table 14 - tidying cables 15 - mounting on a wall 16 making connections 16 connecting to an antenna or cable 17 connecting to a hd receiver, dvd player or vcr 17 - hdmi connection 18 - connecting to a mobile phone 19 - component connection 20 - composite connection 21 connecting a pc 21 - hdmi connection 22 connecting to an audio system 22 - digital optical audio connection 23 connecting a usb device table of contents  y ,pdjhvkrzqpd\gliihuiurp\rxu79  y <rxu79v26' 2q6fuhhq'lvsod\ pd\gliihu voljkwo\iurpwkdwvkrzqlqwklvpdqxdo  y 7khdydlodeohphqxvdqgrswlrqvpd\gliihuiurp wkhlqsxwvrxufhrusurgxfwprghowkdw\rxduh xvlqj  y 1hzihdwxuhvpd\ehdgghgwrwklv79lqwkh ixwxuh note 24 remote control 26 watching tv 26 turning the tv on for the first time 27 specifications 29 troubleshooting 30 external control device setup
english 8 installation procedure / assembling and preparing installation procedure 1  2shqwkhsdfndjhdqgpdnhvxuhdoowkhdffhvvrulhvduhlqfoxgh g 2  $wwdfkwkhvwdqgwrwkh79vhw 3  &rqqhfwdqh[whuqdoghylfhwrwkh79vhw assembling and preparing unpacking &khfn\rxusurgxfwer[iruwkhiroorzlqjlwhpv,iwkhuhduhdq \plvvlqjdffhvvrulhvfrqwdfwwkhorfdoghdohuzkhuh\rx sxufkdvhg\rxusurgxfw7khlooxvwudwlrqvlqwklvpdqxdopd\gl iihuiurpwkhdfwxdosurgxfwdqglwhp  y 'rqrwxvhdq\xqdssuryhglwhpvwrhqvxuhwkhvdihw\dqgsurgxf wolihvsdq  y $q\gdpdjhvrulqmxulhve\xvlqjxqdssuryhglwhpvduhqrwfryhu hge\wkhzduudqw\  y 6rphprghovdsshduwrkdyhdwklqiloprqwkhvfuhhq,wlvdfw xdoo\sduwriwkhvfuhhqgrqrwuhpryhlw caution  y 7khlwhpvvxssolhgzlwk\rxusurgxfwpd\ydu\ghshqglqjrqwkh prgho  y 3urgxfwvshflilfdwlrqvrufrqwhqwvriwklvpdqxdopd\ehfkdqjh gzlwkrxwsulruqrwlfhgxhwrxsjudghrisurgxfw ixqfwlrqv  y )rudqrswlpdofrqqhfwlrq+'0,fdeohvdqg86%ghylfhvvkrxogk dyheh]hovohvvwkdqpp lqfkhv wklfn dqgpp lqfkhv zlgwk  y 8vhdqh[whqvlrqfdeohwkdwvxssruwv86%liwkh86%fdeohr u86%phpru\vwlfngrhvqrwilwlqwr\rxu79v 86%sruw b a a b *a 10 mm (0.39 inches) *b 18 mm (0.7 inches) note
english 9 assembling and preparing 5hprwh&rqwuro%dwwhulhv $$$ 6hhs 2zqhuv0dqxdo &'pdqxdo 3rzhu&rug  )ru/1%/1 /1%/1 /1 6wdqg%rg\6wdqg%dvh 6hhs 6wdqg6fuhzv ($3[ ($0[ 6hhs 'hvn0rxqw6fuhz 6hhs &deoh+roghu 6hhs
english 10 assembling and preparing parts and buttons %xwwrq 'hvfulswlrq    6furoovwkurxjkwkhvdyhgfkdqqhov    $gmxvwvwkhyroxphohyho  2.  6hohfwvwkhkljkoljkwhgphqxrswlrqrufrqilupvdqlqsxw  6(77,1*6 $ffhvvhvwkhpdlqphqxvruvdyhv\rxulqsxwdqgh[lwvwkhphqx v  ,1387 &kdqjhvwkhlqsxwvrxufh  7xuqvwkhsrzhurqrurii ,qwhooljhqwvhqvru$gmxvwvwkhlpdjhtxdolw\dqgeuljkwqhvv edvhgrqwkhvxuurxqglqjhqylurqphqw buttons screen speakers power indicator remote control sensor intelligent sensor 1
english 11 assembling and preparing  y +rogwkhwrsdqgerwwrpriwkh79iudphilupo\ 0dnhvxuhqrwwrkrogwkhwudqvsduhqwsduwvshdnhu ruvshdnhujulooduhd  y :khqwudqvsruwlqjdodujh79wkhuhvkrxogehdw ohdvwshrsoh  y :khqwudqvsruwlqjwkh79e\kdqgkrogwkh79dv vkrzqlqwkhiroorzlqjlooxvwudwlrq  y :khqwudqvsruwlqjwkh79grqrwh[srvhwkh79wr mrowvruh[fhvvlyhyleudwlrq  y :khqwudqvsruwlqjwkh79nhhswkh79xsuljkw qhyhuwxuqwkh79rqlwvvlghruwlowwrzdugvwkhohiw ruuljkw lifting and moving the tv :khqprylqjruoliwlqjwkh79uhdgwkhiroorzlqjwr suhyhqwwkh79iurpehlqjvfudwfkhgrugdpdjhgdqgiru vdihwudqvsruwdwlrquhjdugohvvrilwvw\shdqgvl]h  y $yrlgwrxfklqjwkhvfuhhqdwdoowlphvdvwklvpd\ uhvxowlqgdpdjhwrwkhvfuhhq caution  y ,wlvuhfrpphqghgwrpryhwkh79lqwkher[ru sdfnlqjpdwhuldowkdwwkh79ruljlqdoo\fdphlq  y %hiruhprylqjruoliwlqjwkh79glvfrqqhfwwkh srzhufrugdqgdoofdeohv  y :khqkroglqjwkh79wkhvfuhhqvkrxogidfhdzd\ iurp\rxwrdyrlggdpdjh additional information of the manual viewing the owners manual 7khrzqhuvpdqxdolq3')ilohirupdwlvvxssolhgrqwkh hqforvhg&',qvwdoowkh$greh$furedw5hdghuwrylhz wkhrzqhuvpdqxdorq\rxu3& 1  ,qvhuwwkhvxssolhg&' 7khzhesdjhdsshduvdxwrpdwlfdoo\ 2  &olfn2zqhuv0dqxdorqwkhzhesdjh 3  9lhzwkhrzqhuvpdqxdo  y ,iwkhzhesdjhgrhvqrwdsshdudxwrpdwlfdoo\ dffhvv0\frpsxwhudqgwkhqfolfn/*dqg lqgh[ kwpo wrylhzwkhrzqhuvpdqxdo note
english 12 assembling and preparing setting up the tv <rxfdqprxqw\rxu79wrdzdoorudwwdfkwkhvwdqgli\rxzlvk wrsodfhwkh79rqdqhqwhuwdlqphqwfhqwhururwkhu ixuqlwxuh attaching the stand ,i\rxduhqrwprxqwlqjwkh79wrdzdooxvhwkhiroorzlqjlqv wuxfwlrqvwrdwwdfkwkhvwdqg  y :khqdwwdfklqjwkhvwdqgwrwkh79vhwsodfhwkhvfuhhqidflqj grzqrqdfxvklrqhgwdeohruiodwvxuidfhwr surwhfwwkhvfuhhqiurpvfudwfkhv  y 0dnhvxuhwkdwwkhvfuhzvduhidvwhqhgwljkwo\ ,iwkh\duhqr widvwhqhgvhfxuho\hqrxjkwkh79pd\wlowiruzdug diwhuehlqjlqvwdoohg  y 'rqrwwljkwhqwkhvfuhzvzlwkwrrpxfkirufhrwkhuzlvhwkh\p d\ehgdpdjhgdqgfrphorrvhodwhu caution  y 5hpryhwkhvwdqgehiruhlqvwdoolqjwkh79rqdzdooprxqwe\sh uiruplqjwkhvwdqgdwwdfkphqwlquhyhuvh note stand body stand base front 1 3 ea p5 x 25 3 4 ea m4 x 14 2
english 13 assembling and preparing mounting on a table 1  /liwdqgwlowwkh79lqwrlwvxsuljkwsrvlwlrqrqdwdeoh /hdyhdfp lqfkhv  plqlpxp vsdfhiurp wkhzdooirusurshuyhqwlodwlrq 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm (4 inches) 2  &rqqhfwwkhsrzhufrugwrdzdoorxwohw  y 'rqrwsodfhwkh79qhdururqvrxufhvrikhdwdv wklvpd\uhvxowlqiluhrurwkhugdpdjh caution using the kensington security system (optional) 7kh.hqvlqjwrqvhfxulw\v\vwhpfrqqhfwrulvorfdwhgdw wkhuhduriwkh79 )rupruhlqirupdwlrqrilqvwdoodwlrqdqgxvlqjuhihu wrwkhpdqxdosurylghgzlwkwkh.hqvlqjwrqvhfxulw\ v\vwhpruylvlwkwwszzznhqvlqjwrqfrp &rqqhfwwkh.hqvlqjwrqvhfxulw\v\vwhpfdeohehwzhhq wkh79dqgdwdeoh  y 7kh.hqvlqjwrqvhfxulw\v\vwhplvrswlrqdo<rx fdqrewdlqdgglwlrqdodffhvvrulhviurp\rxuorfdo ghdohu note securing the tv to a table )ru/1%/1/1%/1 /1  )l[wkh79wrdwdeohwrsuhyhqwiurpwlowlqjiruzdug gdpdjhdqgsrwhqwldolqmxu\ 0rxqwwkh79rqdwdeohdqgwkhqlqvhuwdqgwljkwhqwkh vxssolhgvfuhzrqwkhuhduriwkhvwdqg  y 7rsuhyhqw79iurpidoolqjryhuwkh79vkrxogeh vhfxuho\dwwdfkhgwrwkhiorruzdooshulqvwdoodwlrq lqvwuxfwlrqv7lsslqjvkdnlqjruurfnlqjwkh79 pd\fdxvhlqmxu\ warning
english 14 assembling and preparing tidying cables 1  *dwkhudqgelqgwkhfdeohvzlwkwkhfdeohkroghu cable holder  y 'rqrwpryhwkh79e\kroglqjwkhfdeohkroghu dvwkhfdeohkroghuvpd\euhdndqglqmxulhvdqg gdpdjhwrwkh79pd\rffxu caution securing the tv to a wall (optional) 'hshqglqjrqprgho 1  ,qvhuwdqgwljkwhqwkhh\herowvru79eudfnhwvdqg erowvrqwkhedfnriwkh79 ,iwkhuhduherowvlqvhuwhgdwwkhh\herowvsrvlwlrq uhpryhwkherowviluvw 2  0rxqwwkhzdooeudfnhwvzlwkwkherowvwrwkhzdoo 0dwfkwkhorfdwlrqriwkhzdooeudfnhwdqgwkhh\h erowvrqwkhuhduriwkh79 3  &rqqhfwwkhh\herowvdqgzdooeudfnhwvwljkwo\zlwk dvwxug\ursh 0dnhvxuhwrnhhswkhurshkrul]rqwdozlwkwkhiodw vxuidfh  y 0dnhvxuhwkdwfkloguhqgrqrwfolperqrukdqjrq wkh79 caution  y 8vhdsodwiruprufdelqhwwkdwlvvwurqjdqgodujh hqrxjkwrvxssruwwkh79vhfxuho\  y %udfnhwverowvdqgurshvduhrswlrqdo<rxfdq rewdlqdgglwlrqdodffhvvrulhviurp\rxuorfdoghdohu note
english 15 assembling and preparing mounting on a wall $qrswlrqdozdooprxqwfdqehxvhgzlwk\rxu/* 7hohylvlrq&rqvxowzlwk\rxuorfdoghdohuirudzdoo prxqwwkdwvxssruwvwkh9(6$vwdqgdugxvhge\\rxu 79prgho&duhixoo\dwwdfkwkhzdooprxqweudfnhwdwwkh uhduriwkh79,qvwdoowkhzdooprxqweudfnhwrqdvrolg zdooshushqglfxoduwrwkhiorru,i\rxduhdwwdfklqjwkh 79wrrwkhuexloglqjpdwhuldovsohdvhfrqwdfwtxdolilhg shuvrqqhowrlqvwdoowkhzdooprxqw'hwdlohglqvwuxfwlrqv zlooehlqfoxghgzlwkwkhzdooprxqw:huhfrpphqg wkdw\rxxvhdq/*eudqgzdooprxqw 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm (4 inches) 0dnhvxuhwrxvhvfuhzvdqgzdooprxqwvwkdwphhwwkh 9(6$vwdqgdug6wdqgdugglphqvlrqviruwkhzdooprxqw nlwvduhghvfulehglqwkhiroorzlqjwdeoh 0rgho /1% /1% /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 9(6$ $[%  a b [ [ 6wdqgdugvfuhz 0 0 1xpehurivfuhzv  :dooprxqweudfnhw rswlrqdo /6:% /6:% 0rgho /1 /1 /1 9(6$ $[%  a b [ 6wdqgdugvfuhz 0 1xpehurivfuhzv  :dooprxqweudfnhw rswlrqdo /6:%  y 'lvfrqqhfwwkhsrzhuehiruhprylqjrulqvwdoolqj wkh792wkhuzlvhhohfwulfvkrfnpd\rffxu  y ,i\rxlqvwdoowkh79rqdfhlolqjruvodqwhgzdoolw pd\idoodqguhvxowlqvhyhuhlqmxu\ 8vhdqdxwkrul]hg/*zdooprxqwdqgfrqwdfwwkh orfdoghdohurutxdolilhgshuvrqqho  y 'rqrwryhuwljkwhqwkhvfuhzvdvwklvpd\fdxvh gdpdjhwrwkh79dqgyrlg\rxuzduudqw\  y 8vhwkhvfuhzvdqgzdooprxqwvwkdwphhwwkh 9(6$vwdqgdug$q\gdpdjhvrulqmxulhve\plvxvh ruxvlqjdqlpsurshudffhvvru\duhqrwfryhuhge\ wkhzduudqw\ caution  y 8vhwkhvfuhzvwkdwduholvwhglqwkh9(6$ vwdqgdugvfuhzvshflilfdwlrqv  y 7khzdooprxqwnlwlqfoxghvdqlqvwdoodwlrqpdqxdo dqgqhfhvvdu\sduwv  y 7khzdooprxqweudfnhwlvrswlrqdo<rxfdqrewdlq dgglwlrqdodffhvvrulhviurp\rxuorfdoghdohu  y 7khohqjwkrivfuhzvpd\gliihughshqglqjrqwkh zdooprxqw0dnhvxuhwrxvhwkhsurshuohqjwk  y )rupruhlqirupdwlrquhihuwrwkhpdqxdovxssolhg zlwkwkhzdooprxqw note
english 16 making connections making connections <rxfdqfrqqhfwydulrxvh[whuqdoghylfhvwrwkh796xssruwhgh [whuqdoghylfhvduh+'uhfhlyhuv'9'sod\huv9&5v dxglrv\vwhpv86%vwrudjhghylfhv3&jdplqjghylfhvdqgrwk huh[whuqdoghylfhv)rupruhlqirupdwlrqrqh[whuqdo ghylfhvfrqqhfwlrquhihuwrwkhpdqxdosurylghgzlwkhdfkghy lfh  y ,i\rxuhfrugd79surjudprqd'9'uhfrughuru9&5pdnhvxuh wrfrqqhfwwkh79vljqdolqsxwfdeohwrwkh 79wkurxjkd'9'uhfrughuru9&5)rupruhlqirupdwlrqriuhfru glqjuhihuwrwkhpdqxdosurylghgzlwkwkh frqqhfwhgghylfh  y 7khh[whuqdoghylfhfrqqhfwlrqvvkrzqpd\gliihuvoljkwo\iurp looxvwudwlrqvlqwklvpdqxdo  y &rqqhfwh[whuqdoghylfhvwrwkh79uhjdugohvvriwkhrughuriw kh79sruw  y ,i\rxfrqqhfwdjdplqjghylfhwrwkh79xvhwkhfdeohvxssolh gzlwkwkhjdplqjghylfh  y 5hihuwrwkhh[whuqdohtxlsphqwvpdqxdoirurshudwlqjlqvwuxfw lrqv note connecting to an antenna or cable &rqqhfwdqdqwhqqdfdeohrufdeoher[wrzdwfk79zklohuhihu ulqjwrwkhiroorzlqj7khlooxvwudwlrqvpd\gliihuiurp wkhdfwxdolwhpvdqgd5)fdeohlvrswlrqdo vhf antenna uhf antenna antenna terminal coaxial (75) (*not provided)  y 0dnhvxuhqrwwrehqgwkhfrsshuzluhriwkh5) fdeoh copper wire  y &rpsohwhdoofrqqhfwlrqvehwzhhqghylfhvdqg wkhqfrqqhfwwkhsrzhufrugwrwkhsrzhurxwohw wrsuhyhqwgdpdjhwr\rxu79 caution  y 8vhdvljqdovsolwwhuwrxvhpruhwkdq79v  y 9lvlwkwwsojnqrzohgjhedvhfrpirupruh lqirupdwlrqderxwwkhdqwhqqddqgfdeoh frqqhfwlrq6hdufkirudqwhqqd  y '79$xglr6xssruwhg&rghf03(*'roe\'ljlwdo note
english 17 making connections connecting to a hd receiver, dvd player or vcr &rqqhfwd+'uhfhlyhu'9'3od\huru9&5wrwkh79dqgvhohfwd qdssursuldwhlqsxwprgh hdmi connection +'0,lvwkhehvwzd\wrfrqqhfwdghylfh 7udqvplwvgljlwdoylghrdqgdxglrvljqdoviurpdqh[whuqdoghyl fhwrwkh79&rqqhfwwkhh[whuqdoghylfhdqgwkh79zlwk wkh+'0,fdeohdvvkrzqlqwkhiroorzlqjlooxvwudwlrq  y 8vhwkhodwhvw+ljk6shhg+'0,?&deohwkdwvxssruwv&(& &xvwrp hu(ohfwurqlfv&rqwuro ixqfwlrq  y +ljk6shhg+'0,?&deohvduhwhvwhgwrfduu\dq+'vljqdoxswr sdqgkljkhu  y +'0,$xglr6xssruwhg)rupdw'roe\'ljlwdo3&0 8swr.+] nnnnn  !'76lvqrwvxssruwhg note choose any hdmi input port to connect. it does not matter which port you use. in 2 (mhl) hdmi dvd / blu-ray / hd cable box / hd stb (*not provided) in 1
english 18 making connections connecting to a mobile phone 0reloh+ljkghilqlwlrq/lqn 0+/ lvdqlqwhuidfhiruwudqvplww lqjgljlwdodxglrylvxdovljqdoviurpprelohskrqhvwr whohylvlrqvhwv  y &rqqhfwwkhprelohskrqhwrwkh+'0,,1 0+/ sruwwrylhzwk hskrqhvfuhhqrqwkh79  y 7klvrqo\zrunvzlwkdq0+/hqdeohgskrqhv  y :lwkvrph0+/vxssruwlqjprelohskrqhv\rxfdqxvhwkh79uhpr whwrfrqwurowkhskrqh  y $q0+/vxssruwhgfdeohlvqhhghgwrfrqqhfwwkh79dqgdpreloh skrqh  y 5hpryhwkh0+/fdeohiurpwkh79zkhq wkh0+/ixqfwlrqlvglvdeohg \rxuprelohghylfhlvixoo\fkdujhglqvwdqge\prgh note (*not provided) mhl cable mobile phone in 2 (mhl)
english 19 making connections component connection 7udqvplwvdqdorjylghrdqgdxglrvljqdoviurpdqh[whuqdoghylf hwrwkh79&rqqhfwwkhh[whuqdoghylfhdqgwkh79zlwk dfrpsrqhqwfdeohdvvkrzqlqwkhiroorzlqjlooxvwudwlrq  y ,ifdeohvduhlqvwdoohglqfruuhfwo\lwfrxogfdxvhwkhlpdjhw rglvsod\lqeodfndqgzklwhruzlwkglvwruwhgfroru  y &khfnwrhqvxuhwkhfdeohvduhpdwfkhgzlwkwkhfruuhvsrqglqjf rorufrqqhfwlrq note component in / av in video/ p b p r y r audio l/mono p b p r yr l video audio vcr / dvd / blu-ray / hd cable box green red blue (*not provided) red white green red blue red white (*not provided)
english 20 making connections composite connection 7udqvplwvdqdorjylghrdqgdxglrvljqdoviurpdqh[whuqdoghylf hwrwkh79&rqqhfwwkhh[whuqdoghylfhdqgwkh79zlwk wkhfrpsrvlwhfdeohdvvkrzqlqwkhiroorzlqjlooxvwudwlrq  y ,i\rxkdyhdprqr9&5frqqhfwwkhdxglrfdeohiurpwkh9&5wr wkh$8',2/0212mdfnriwkh79 note component in / av in video/ p b p r y r audio l/mono vcr / dvd / blu-ray / hd cable box video r audio l/mono (*not provided) yellow red white yellow red white
english 21 making connections connecting a pc  y ,wlvuhfrpphqghgwrxvhdq+'0,frqqhfwlrqiruwkhehvwlpdjh txdolw\  y 'hshqglqjrqwkhjudsklfvfdug'26prghylghrpd\qrwzrunli d+'0,wr'9,&deohlvlqxvh  y ,q3&prghwkhuhpd\ehqrlvhdvvrfldwhgzlwkwkhuhvroxwlrq yhuwlfdosdwwhuqfrqwudvwrueuljkwqhvv,iqrlvh lvsuhvhqwfkdqjhwkh3&rxwsxwwrdqrwkhuuhvroxwlrqfkdqjh wkhuhiuhvkudwhwrdqrwkhuudwhrudgmxvwwkh euljkwqhvvdqgfrqwudvwrqwkh3,&785(phqxxqwlowkhslfwxuhl vfohdu  y 7khv\qfkurql]dwlrqlqsxwirupiru+rul]rqwdodqg9huwlfdoiuht xhqflhvlvvhsdudwh  y 'hshqglqjrqwkhjudsklfvfdugvrphuhvroxwlrqvhwwlqjvpd\qr wdoorzwkhlpdjhwrehsrvlwlrqhgrqwkhvfuhhq surshuo\  y ,i\rxxvh'9,wr+'0,fdeohiru3&\rxkdyhwrxvhh[whuqdov shdnhuiru3&dxglrvrxqg note hdmi connection in 1 hdmi (*not provided) pc
english 22 making connections connecting to an audio system <rxfdqxvhdqrswlrqdoh[whuqdodxglrv\vwhplqvwhdgriwkhex lowlqvshdnhu digital optical audio connection 7udqvplwvdgljlwdodxglrvljqdoiurpwkh79wrdqh[whuqdoghy lfh&rqqhfwwkhh[whuqdoghylfhdqgwkh79zlwkwkh rswlfdodxglrfdeohdvvkrzqlqwkhiroorzlqjlooxvwudwlrq  y 'rqrworrnlqwrwkhrswlfdorxwsxwsruw/rrnlqjdwwkhodvhu ehdppd\gdpdjh\rxuylvlrq  y $xglrzlwk$&3 $xglr&rs\3urwhfwlrq ixqfwlrqpd\eorfngljlw dodxglrrxwsxw note optical audio in digital audio system (*not provided)
english 23 making connections connecting a usb device &rqqhfwd86%vwrudjhghylfhvxfkdvd86%iodvkphpru\h[whuq dokduggulyhrud86%phpru\fduguhdghuwrwkh 79 usb in usb (*not provided)
english 24 remote control flashbk audio remote control 7khghvfulswlrqvlqwklvpdqxdoduhedvhgrqwkhexwwrqvrqwkh uhprwhfrqwuro 3ohdvhuhdgwklvpdqxdofduhixoo\dqgxvhwkh79fruuhfwo\7r lqvwdooedwwhulhv rshqwkhedwwhu\fryhuuhsodfhedwwhulhv 9$$$ pdwfklqj wkh dqg hqgv wrwkhodeholqvlghwkhfrpsduwphqwdqgforvhwkhedwwhu\fryh u 7ruhpryhwkhedwwhulhvshuirupwkhlqvwdoodwlrqdfwlrqvlquh yhuvh  y 'rqrwpl[rogdqgqhzedwwhulhvdvwklvpd\gdpdjhwkhuhprwh frqwuro caution 7klvuhprwhxvhvlqiuduhgoljkw:khqlqxvhlwvkrxogehsrlq whglqwkhgluhfwlrqriwkh79vuhprwhvhqvru  32:(5 7xuqvwkh79rqrurii 79 5hwxuqvwrwkhodvw79fkdqqho &$37,21 $fwlydwhvrughdfwlydwhwkhvxewlwohv $902'( 6hohfwvdq$9prgh 5$7,2 5hvl]hvdqlpdjh ,1387 &kdqjhvwkhlqsxwvrxufh7xuqvwkh79rqlilwlvrii 92/ $gmxvwvwkhyroxphohyho )$9 $ffhvvhv\rxuidyrulwhfkdqqhoolvw $8',2 'ljlwdovljqdo&kdqjhvwkhdxglrodqjxdjh $qdorjvljqdo&kdqjhvwkhvrxqgvhwwlqj 087( 0xwhvdoovrxqgv &+ 6furoovwkurxjkwkhvdyhgfkdqqhov 3$*( 0ryhvwrwkhsuhylrxvruqh[wvfuhhq 1xpehuexwwrq (qwhuvqxpehuv  'dvk ,qvhuwvdgdvkehwzhhqqxpehuvvxfkdvdqg /,67 $ffhvvhvwkhvdyhgfkdqqhoolvw )/$6+%. $owhuqdwhvehwzhhqwkhwzrodvwfkdqqhovvhohfwhg suhvvlqjuhs hdwhgo\ 
english 25 remote control flashbk audio 3,&785( &kdqjhvwkhlpdjhprgh ,1)2 6krzvlqirupdwlrqrqwkhfxuuhqwsurjudp 6281' &kdqjhvwkhvrxqgprgh $ffhvvhvwkh$9ghylfhvfrqqhfwhgwrwkh79 2shqvwkh6,03/,1.phqx 6/((3 6hwvwkhohqjwkriwlphxqwlowkh79wrwxuqvrii &rqwuroexwwrqv      &rqwurov6,03/,1.frpsdwleohghylfhv 86%6,03/,1.  &roruexwwrqv 7khvhdffhvvvshfldoixqfwlrqvlqvrphphqxv 5hg *uhhq <hoorz %oxh 6(77,1*6 $ffhvvhvwkhpdlqphqx 40(18 $ffhvvhvwkhtxlfnphqx 1dyljdwlrqexwwrqv  xsgrzqohiwuljkw 6furoovwkurxjkphqxvrurswlrqv 2. 6hohfwvphqxvrurswlrqvdqgfrqilupv\rxulqsxw %$&. 5hwxuqvwrwkhsuhylrxvvfuhhq (;,7 &ohduvdoorqvfuhhqglvsod\vdqguhwxuqvwr79ylhzlqj
english 26 watching tv watching tv turning the tv on for the first time :khq\rxwxuqwkh79rqiruwkhiluvwwlphwkh,qlwldo vhwwlqjvfuhhqdsshduv6hohfwdodqjxdjhdqgfxvwrpl]h wkhedvlfvhwwlqjv 1  &rqqhfwwkhsrzhufrugwrdsrzhurxwohw 2  ,q6wdqge\prghsuhvvwkhsrzhuexwwrqrqwkh uhprwhfrqwurowrwxuqwkh79rq 7kh,qlwldovhwwlqjvfuhhqdsshduvzkhq\rxwxuqwkh 79rqiruwkhiluvwwlph  y <rxfdqdovrdffhvv ,qlwldo6hwwlqj e\dffhvvlqj 237,21 lqwkhpdlqphqx note 3  )roorzwkhrqvfuhhqlqvwuxfwlrqvwrfxvwrpl]h\rxu 79vhwwlqjvdffruglqjwr\rxusuhihuhqfhv /dqjxdjh 6hohfwvdodqjxdjhwrglvsod\ ? 0rgh6hwwlqj 6hohfwv +rph8vh iruwkhkrph hqylurqphqw ? 7lph6hwwlqj 6hohfwvwkhwlph]rqhdqggd\oljkw vdylqj ? $xwr7xqlqj 6fdqvdqgvdyhvdydlodeohfkdqqhov dxwrpdwlfdoo\  y 7rglvsod\lpdjhvlqwkhehvwtxdolw\iru\rxukrph hqylurqphqwvhohfw +rph8vh   y 6wruh'hpr lvvxlwdeohiruwkhuhwdlohqylurqphqw  y ,i\rxvhohfw 6wruh'hpr dq\fxvwrpl]hgvhwwlqjv zloovzlwfkedfnwrwkhghidxowvhwwlqjvri 6wruh 'hpr lqplqxwhv note 4  :khqwkhedvlfvhwwlqjvduhfrpsohwh suhvvwkh 2.   y ,i\rxgrqrwfrpsohwhwkh,qlwldovhwwlqjlwzloo dsshduzkhqhyhuwkh79wxuqvrq  y 'lvfrqqhfwwkhsrzhufrugiurpwkhsrzhurxwohw zkhq\rxgrqrwxvhwkh79irudorqjshulrgri wlph note 5  7rwxuqwkh79riisuhvvwkhsrzhuexwwrqrqwkh uhprwhfrqwuro
english 27 specifications specifications 3urgxfwvshflilfdwlrqvpd\ehfkdqjhgzlwkrxwsulruqrwlfhgxh wrxsjudghrisurgxfwixqfwlrqv 3rzhuuhtxluhphqw $&9a+] 7hohylvlrq6\vwhp 176&0$76& 4$0 3urjudp&ryhudjh 9+)8+)&$79'79&$'79 ([whuqdo$qwhqqd,pshgdqfh  : (qylurqphqw frqglwlrq 2shudwlqj7hpshudwxuh ?& 2shudwlqj+xplglw\ /hvvwkdq 6wrudjh7hpshudwxuh ?& 6wrudjh+xplglw\ /hvvwkdq 02'(/6 /1% /1%8$ /1 /18$ 'lphqvlrqv :[+[' :lwkvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :lwkrxwvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :hljkw :lwkvwdqg nj oev nj oev :lwkrxwvwdqg nj oev nj oev &xuuhqw9doxh3rzhufrqvxpswlrq $: $: 02'(/6 /1% /1%8$ /1 /18% /1 /18% 'lphqvlrqv :[+[' :lwkvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :lwkrxwvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :hljkw :lwkvwdqg nj oev nj oev :lwkrxwvwdqg nj oev nj oev &xuuhqw9doxh3rzhufrqvxpswlrq $: $: 02'(/6 /1 /18% 'lphqvlrqv :[+[' :lwkvwdqg [[ pp [[ lqfk :lwkrxwvwdqg [[ pp [[ lqfk :hljkw :lwkvwdqg nj oev :lwkrxwvwdqg nj oev &xuuhqw9doxh3rzhufrqvxpswlrq $:
english 28 specifications 02'(/6 /1 /18$ /1 /18$ 'lphqvlrqv :[+[' :lwkvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :lwkrxwvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :hljkw :lwkvwdqg nj oev nj oev :lwkrxwvwdqg nj oev nj oev &xuuhqw9doxh3rzhufrqvxpswlrq $: $: 02'(/6 /1 /18$ /1 /18$ 'lphqvlrqv :[+[' :lwkvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :lwkrxwvwdqg [[ pp [[ pp [[ lqfk [[ lqfk :hljkw :lwkvwdqg nj oev nj oev :lwkrxwvwdqg nj oev nj oev &xuuhqw9doxh3rzhufrqvxpswlrq $: $: hdmi (dtv) supported mode 5hvroxwlrq +rul]rqwdo )uhtxhqf\ n+] 9huwlfdo)uhtxhqf\ +] [s     [s     [l     [s             component port connecting information &rpsrqhqwsruwvrqwkh79 < 3 % 3 5 9lghrrxwsxwsruwv rq'9'sod\hu <3 % 3 5 < %< 5< <&e&u <3e3u component supported mode 5hvroxwlrq +rul]rqwdo )uhtxhqf\ n+] 9huwlfdo)uhtxhqf\ +] [l     [s     [s     [l     [s            
english 29 troubleshooting troubleshooting general 3ureohp 6roxwlrq &dqqrwfrqwurowkh79zlwkwkhuhprwh frqwuro  y &khfnwkhuhprwhfrqwurovhqvrurqwkhsurgxfwdqgwu\djdlq  y &khfnliwkhuhlvdq\revwdfohehwzhhqwkhsurgxfwdqgwkhuhpr whfrqwuro  y &khfnliwkhedwwhulhvduhvwloozrunlqjdqgsurshuo\lqvwdoohg  wr  wr  1rlpdjhglvsod\dqgqrvrxqglv surgxfhg  y &khfnliwkhsurgxfwlvwxuqhgrq  y &khfnliwkhsrzhufruglvfrqqhfwhgwrdzdoorxwohw  y &khfnliwkhuhlvdsureohplqwkhzdoorxwohwe\frqqhfwlqjrw khusurgxfwv ,pdjhdsshduvvorzo\zkhqwkh79 wxuqvrq  y 7khlpdjhlvpxwhggxulqjwkhsurgxfwvwduwxssurfhvv7klvlv qrupdo,iwkhlpdjhgrhv qrwdsshdulqdihzplqxwhvxqsoxjwkh79iruvhfrqgvdqgw u\djdlq,iwkhlpdjhvwloo grhvqrwdsshdufrqwdfwwkhdxwkrul]hgvhuylfhfhqwhulq\rxu orfdoduhd &dqqrwfrqqhfwh[whuqdoghylfhv  y 5hihuwrwkh| &rqqhfwlrq2yhuylhz }dqgfrqqhfwdqh[whuqdoghylfh 7kh79wxuqvriivxgghqo\  y &khfnwkhsrzhufrqwurovhwwlqjv7khsrzhuvxsso\pd\ehlqwhu uxswhg  y &khfnliwkh$xwrvohhsihdwxuhlvdfwlydwhglqwkh7lphvhwwlq jv 5hihuwrwkh| 6ohhs7lphu }  y ,iwkhuhlvqrvljqdozklohwkh79lvrqwkh79zloowxuqrii dxwrpdwlfdoo\diwhuplqxwhvri lqdfwlylw\ 'hshqglqjrqprgho audio 3ureohp 6roxwlrq 1rvrxqglvsurgxfhgzklohlpdjhv duhglvsod\lqj  y 3uhvv 92/ ru exwwrq  y &khfnliwkhvrxqglvpxwhge\suhvvlqj 087(   y 6furoowrrwkhufkdqqhov7khuhpd\dsureohpzlwkwkheurdgfdv w  y &khfnliwkh796shdnhuihdwxuhlvdfwlydwhglqwkhphqxrswlrq  1rrxwsxwiurprqhriwkhvshdnhuv  y $gmxvw%dodqfhlqwkhphqxrswlrq 8qxvxdovrxqgiurplqvlghwkh79lv surgxfhg  y $fkdqjhlqdpelhqwkxplglw\ruwhpshudwxuhpd\uhvxowlqdqxq xvxdoqrlvhzkhqwkh surgxfwwxuqvrqrurii7khuhlvqrsureohpzlwk\rxusurgxfw
english 30 troubleshooting / external control device setup video 3ureohp 6roxwlrq $qlpdjhglvsod\vlqeodfndqgzklwhru wkhfrorutxdolw\lvsrru  y $gmxvwwkhfroruvhwwlqjlqwkhphqxrswlrq  y .hhsdvxiilflhqwglvwdqfhehwzhhqwklvsurgxfwdqgrwkhuhohfw urqlfsurgxfwv  y 6furoowrrwkhufkdqqhov7khuhpd\dsureohpzlwkwkheurdgfdv w +rul]rqwdoruyhuwlfdoeduvdsshduvru lpdjhveoxu  y &khfnliwkhuhduhorfdolqwhuihuhqfhvvxfkdvdqhohfwulfdods soldqfhrusrzhuwrro /lqhvruvwuhdnvdsshdurqlpdjhv  y &khfnwkhdqwhqqdrudlpwkhdqwhqqdwrwkhsurshugluhfwlrq $iwhulpdjhv jkrvwv dsshduzkhqwkh surgxfwwxuqvrii  y 3l[hovpd\kdyhehhqgdpdjhgiurpdil[hglpdjhglvsod\hgirud orqjwlph lpdjhexuq  8vhdvfuhhqvdyhuwrsuhyhqwwkhsl[hogdpdjhrqwkhvfuhhq 7khsrzhulvrqexwwkhvfuhhqdsshduv h[wuhpho\gdun  y $gmxvwwkheuljkwqhvvdqgfrqwudvwlqwkhphqxrswlrq |1r6ljqdo}dsshduvrqwkhvfuhhq  y &khfnliwkhvljqdofdeohlvfrqqhfwhgehwzhhqwkh79dqgsurgx fwvsurshuo\  y &khfnwkhvhohfwhglqsxwvrxufhe\suhvvlqj ,1387  %odfnvsrwvdsshdurqwkhvfuhhq  y 6hyhudosl[hovlquhgjuhhqzklwhrueodfnpd\dsshdurqwkh vfuhhqwkdwfdqdwwulexwhwr wkhfkdudfwhulvwlfvriwkhsdqho  y 7klvlvqrupdo 7khglvsod\riivhwlvzurqj  y $gmxvwwkhsrvlwlrqvhwwlqjlqwkh3lfwxuhphqx  y &khfnliwkhylghrfduguhvroxwlrqdqgiuhtxhqf\duhvxssruwhg e\wkhsurgxfw,iwkh iuhtxhqf\lvrxwriudqjhvhwwrwkhuhfrpphqghguhvroxwlrqxv lqjwkhglvsod\vhwwlqjvrq wkhh[whuqdoghylfh 7klqolqhvdsshdulqwkhedfnjurxqgri wkhvfuhhq  y &khfnwkhylghrfdeohfrqqhfwlrqv 7khuhfhswlrqrqvrphfkdqqhovlv srru  y 6furoowrrwkhufkdqqhov7khuhpd\dsureohpzlwkwkheurdgfdv w  y 7khvwdwlrqvljqdopd\ehzhdn$lpwkhdqwhqqdwrwkhsurshug luhfwlrq  y &khfnliwkhuhlvorfdolqwhuihuhqfhvvxfkdvdqhohfwulfdodss oldqfhrusrzhuwrro external control device setup 7rrewdlqwkhh[whuqdofrqwuroghylfhvhwxslqirupdwlrqsohdvh ylvlw~zzzojfrp
&rqjudwxodwlrqvrq\rxusxufkdvh$v\rxhqmr\\rxuqhzsurgxfw  sohdvhnhhswkhvhvdihw\wlsvlqplqg 7+(,668( f 7khkrphwkhdwhuhqwhuwdlqphqwh[shulhqfhlvdjurzlqjwuhqg dqg odujhuiodwsdqhoglvsod\vduhsrsxodusxufkdvhv+rzhyhuiodw sdqho glvsod\vduhqrwdozd\vvxssruwhgrqwkhsurshuvwdqgvrulqvwd oohg dffruglqjwrwkhpdqxidfwxuhuvuhfrpphqgdwlrqv f )odwsdqhoglvsod\vwkdwduhlqdssursuldwho\vlwxdwhgrqguhv vhuv errnfdvhvvkhoyhvghvnvvshdnhuvfkhvwvrufduwvpd\idoor yhu dqgfdxvhlqmxu\ 7+,60$18)$&85(5&$5(6 f 7khfrqvxphuhohfwurqlfvlqgxvwu\lvfrpplwwhgwrpdnlqjkrph  hqwhuwdlqphqwhqmr\deohdqgvdih 781(,1726$)(7< f 2qhvl]hgrhv127ilwdoo)roorzwkhpdqxidfwxuhuv uhfrpphqgdwlrqviruwkhvdihlqvwdoodwlrqdqgxvhri\rxuiodw sdqho glvsod\ f &duhixoo\uhdgdqgxqghuvwdqgdoohqforvhglqvwuxfwlrqvirus urshu xvhriwklvsurgxfw f 'rqwdoorzfkloguhqwrfolperqrusod\zlwkixuqlwxuhdqgw hohylvlrq vhwv f 'rqwdoorzsodfhiodwsdqhoglvsod\vrqixuqlwxuhwkdwfdqh dvlo\eh xvhgdvvwhsvvxfkdvdfkhvwrigudzhuv f 5hphpehuwkdwfkloguhqfdqehfrphh[flwhgzklohzdwfklqjd surjudphvshfldoo\rqd|odujhuwkdqolih}iodwsdqhoglvsod\  &duhvkrxogehwdnhqwrsodfhrulqvwdoowkhglvsod\zkhuhlwf dqqrw ehsxvkhgsxoohgryhurunqrfnhggrzq f &duhvkrxogehwdnhqwrurxwhdoofrugvdqgfdeohvfrqqhfwhg wrwkh iodwsdqhoglvsod\vrwkdwwkh\fdqqrwehsxoohgrujudeehge\ fxulrxv fkloguhq :$//02817,1* ,)<28'(&,'(72:$// 02817<285)/$73$1(/',63/$<$/:$<6 f 8vhdprxqwwkdwkdvehhquhfrpphqghge\wkhglvsod\ pdqxidfwxuhudqgruolvwhge\dqlqghshqghqwoderudwru\ vxfkdv8/&6$(7/  f )roorzdoolqvwuxfwlrqvvxssolhge\wkhglvsod\dqgzdooprxq w pdqxidfwxuhuv f ,i\rxkdyhdq\grxewvderxw\rxudelolw\wrvdiho\lqvwdoo\ rxuiodw sdqhoglvsod\frqwdfw\rxuuhwdlohuderxwsurihvvlrqdolqvwdoo dwlrq f 0dnhvxuhwkdwwkhzdoozkhuh\rxduhprxqwlqjwkhglvsod\lv  dssursuldwh6rphzdooprxqwvduhqrwghvljqhgwrehprxqwhgwr  zdoovzlwkvwhhovwxgvrurogflqghueorfnfrqvwuxfwlrq ,i\rxduhxqvxuhfrqwdfwdsurihvvlrqdolqvwdoohu f $plqlpxpriwzrshrsohduhuhtxluhgirulqvwdoodwlrq )odwsdqhoglvsod\vfdqehkhdy\ &+,/'6$)(7< ,w0dnhv$'liihuhqfh+rzdqg:khuh <rx8vh<rxu)odw3dqho'lvsod\
lg customer information center for inquires or comments, visit or call; 1-800-243-0000 usa, consumer user 1-888-865-3026 usa, commercial user 1-888-542-2623 canada register your product online! this product quali?es for energy star in the factory default (home use) setting. changing the factory default settings or enabling other features may increase power consumption that could exceed the limits necessary to quality for energy star. the model and serial number of the tv is located on the back and one side of the tv. record it below should you ever need service. model serial the extended owners manuals that contain information on the advanced features of this lg tv are located on the cd-rom provided in an electronic version. to read these ?les, you will need to use the personal computer (pc) equipped with a cd-rom drive. p/no : sac35595002 (1301-rev00) please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. owners manual led tv * lg led tv applies lcd screen with led backlights. 32ln520b 42ln5200 32ln530b 32ln5300 39ln5300 42ln5300 42ln5400 47ln5400 50ln5400 55LN5400
english 2 important safety instructions y y do not use this apparatus near water. short-circuit breaker power supply y y clean only with a dry cloth. short-circuit breaker power supply y y do not block any ventilation openings. install in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. short-circuit breaker power supply y y do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. short-circuit breaker power supply read these instructions. keep these instructions. heed all warnings. follow all instructions. important safety instructions always comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous situations and ensure peak performance of your product. short-circuit breaker power supply warning/caution risk of electric shock do not open to reduce the risk of electric shock do not remove cover (or back). no user serviceable parts inside. refer to qualified service personnel. warning/caution risk of electric shock do not open the lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the products enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. warning/caution risk of electric shock do not open the exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance. warning/caution - to reduce the risk of fire and electric shock, do not expose this product to rain or moisture. warning if you ignore the warning message, you may be seriously injured or there is a possibility of accident or death. caution if you ignore the caution message, you may be slightly injured or the product may be damaged. note the note helps you understand and use the product safely. please read the note carefully before using the product.
english 3 important safety instructions y y do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. a polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. a grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. the wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. if the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet (can differ by country). short-circuit breaker power supply y y do not press strongly upon the panel with a hand or a sharp object such as a nail, pencil or pen, or make a scratch on it. short-circuit breaker power supply y y protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. short-circuit breaker power supply y y only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. short-circuit breaker power supply y y use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. when a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over. short-circuit breaker power supply y y unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. short-circuit breaker power supply y y refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. short-circuit breaker power supply y y do not stick metal objects or any other conductive material into the power cord. do not touch the end of the power cord while it is plugged in. y y keep the packing anti-moisture material or vinyl packing out of the reach of children. anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. if swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit the nearest hospital. additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. keep it out of the reach of children.
english 4 important safety instructions y y caution concerning the power cord (can differ by country): it is recommended that appliances be placed upon a dedicated circuit; that is, a single outlet circuit which powers only that appliance and has no additional outlets or branch circuits. check the specification page of this owners manual to be certain. do not connect too many appliances to the same ac power outlet as this could result in fire or electric shock. do not overload wall outlets. overloaded wall outlets, loose or damaged wall outlets, extension cords, frayed power cords, or damaged or cracked wire insulation are dangerous. any of these conditions could result in electric shock or fire. periodically examine the cord of your appliance, and if its appearance indicates damage or deterioration, unplug it, discontinue use of the appliance, and have the cord replaced with an exact replacement part by an authorized service. protect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as being twisted, kinked, pinched, closed in a door, or walked upon. pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the cord exits the appliance. do not move the tv with the power cord plugged in. do not use a damaged or loose power cord. be sure do grasp the plug when unplugging the power cord. do not pull on the power cord to unplug the tv. short-circuit breaker power supply y y warning - to reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose this product to rain, moisture or other liquids. do not touch the tv with wet hands. do not install this product near flammable objects such as gasoline or candles, or expose the tv to direct air conditioning. short-circuit breaker power supply y y do not expose to dripping or splashing and do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, cups, etc. on or over the apparatus (e.g. on shelves above the unit). short-circuit breaker power supply y y grounding (except for devices which are not grounded.) ensure that you connect the earth ground wire to prevent possible electric shock (i.e. a tv with a three-prong grounded ac plug must be connected to a three-prong grounded ac outlet). if grounding methods are not possible, have a qualified electrician install a separate circuit breaker. do not try to ground the unit by connecting it to telephone wires, lightening rods, or gas pipes. short-circuit breaker power supply
english 5 important safety instructions y y as long as this unit is connected to the ac wall outlet, it is not disconnected from the ac power source even if the unit is turned off. y y do not attempt to modify this product in any way without written authorization from lg electronics. unauthorized modification could void the users authority to operate this product. y y outdoor antenna grounding (can differ by country): if an outdoor antenna is installed, follow the precautions below. an outdoor antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can come in contact with such power lines or circuits as death or serious injury can occur. be sure the antenna system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. section 810 of the national electrical code (nec) in the u.s.a. provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes and requirements for the grounding electrode. antenna grounding according to the national electrical code, ansi/nfpa 70 short-circuit breaker power supply ground clamp grounding conductor (nec section 810-21) antenna lead in wire electric service equipment antenna discharge unit (nec section 810-20) ground clamp power service grounding electrode system (nec art 250, part h) nec: national electrical code y y cleaning when cleaning, unplug the power cord and wipe gently with a soft cloth to prevent scratching. do not spray water or other liquids directly on the tv as electric shock may occur. do not clean with chemicals such as alcohol, thinners or benzine. y y moving make sure the product is turned off, unplugged and all cables have been removed. it may take 2 or more people to carry larger tvs. do not press or put stress on the front panel of the tv. y y ventilation install your tv where there is proper ventilation. do not install in a confined space such as a bookcase. do not cover the product with cloth or other materials while plugged. do not install in excessively dusty places. y y if you smell smoke or other odors coming from the tv, unplug the power cord and contact an authorized service center. y y keep the product away from direct sunlight. y y never touch this apparatus or antenna during a thunder or lightning storm. y y when mounting a tv on the wall, make sure not to install the tv by hanging the power and signal cables on the back of the tv. y y do not allow an impact shock or any objects to fall into the product, and do not drop anything onto the screen.
english 6 important safety instructions y y disconnecting the main power the power outlet used with this device must remain easily accessible. y y store the accessories (battery, etc.) in a safe location out of the reach of children. y y this apparatus use batteries. in your community there might be regulations that require you to dispose of these batteries properly due to environmental considerations. please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling information. y y do not dispose of batteries in a fire. y y do not short circuit, disassemble or allow the batteries to overheat. y y dot defect the plasma or lcd panel is a high technology product with resolution of two million to six million pixels. in a very few cases, you could see fine dots on the screen while youre viewing the tv. those dots are deactivated pixels and do not affect the performance and reliability of the tv. y y generated sound cracking noise: a cracking noise that occurs when watching or turning off the tv is generated by plastic thermal contraction due to temperature and humidity. this noise is common for products where thermal deformation is required. electrical circuit humming/panel buzzing: a low level noise is generated from a high- speed switching circuit, which supplies a large amount of current to operate a product. it varies depending on the product. this generated sound does not affect the performance and reliability of the product. y y take care not to touch the ventilation openings. when watching the tv for a long period, the ventilation openings may become hot. this does not affect the performance of the product or cause defects in the product. y y if the tv feels cold to the touch, there may be a small flicker when it is turned on. this is normal, there is nothing wrong with tv. some minute dot defects may be visible on the screen, appearing as tiny red, green, or blue spots. however, they have no adverse effect on the tvs performance. avoid touching the lcd screen or holding your finger(s) against it for long periods of time. doing so may produce some temporary distortion effects on the screen.
english 7 important safety instructions preventing image burn or burn-in on your tv screen y y if a fixed image displays on the tv screen for a long period of time, it will be imprinted and become a permanent disfigurement on the screen. this is image burn or burn-in and not covered by the warranty. y y if the aspect ratio of the tv is set to 4:3 for a long period of time, image burn may occur on the letterboxed area of the screen. y y avoid displaying a fixed image on the tv screen for a long period of time (2 or more hours for lcd, 1 or more hours for the plasma tv) to prevent image burn. for usa and canada fcc notice this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class b digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the fcc rules. these limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. this equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. however, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. - connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ tv technician for help. this device complies with part 15 of the fcc rules. operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. any changes or modifications in construction of this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. note to cable/tv installer this reminder is provided to call the catv system installers attention to article 820-40 of the national electric code (u.s.a.). the code provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of the cable entry as practical.
english 8 licenses / open source software notice licenses supported licenses may differ by model. for more information about licenses, visit manufactured under license from dolby laboratories. dolby and the double-d symbol are trademarks of dolby laboratories. hdmi, the hdmi logo and high-definition multimedia interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of hdmi licensing llc. open source software notice to obtain the source code under gpl, lgpl, mpl and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit in addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download. lg electronics will also provide open source code to you on cd-rom for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping and handling) upon email request to this offer is valid for three (3) years from the date on which you purchased the product.
english 9 table of contents 2 important safety instructions 8 licenses 8 open source software notice 9 table of contents 11 installation procedure 11 assembling and preparing 11 unpacking 13 parts and buttons 14 lifting and moving the tv 15 setting up the tv 15 - attaching the stand 16 - mounting on a table 18 - tidying cables 18 - mounting on a wall 20 remote control 22 watching tv 22 turning the tv on for the first time 22 watching tv 23 managing channels 23 - setting up channels 24 - using favorite channels 25 - checking current program info 26 using additional options 26 - adjusting aspect ratio 27 - changing av modes 27 - using the input list 28 using the quick menu 29 entertainment 29 - connecting usb storage devices 30 - browsing files 31 - viewing photos 32 - listening to music 34 customizing tv settings 34 the main menus 35 customizing settings 35 - picture settings 38 - audio settings 39 - channel settings 39 - time settings 40 - option settings 42 - lock settings table of contents
english 10 table of contents 44 making connections 44 connecting to an antenna or cable 45 connection overview 46 connecting to a hd receiver, dvd player or vcr 46 - hdmi connection 47 - connecting to a mobile phone 48 - component connection 49 - composite connection 50 connecting a pc 50 - hdmi connection 51 connecting to an audio system 51 - digital optical audio connection 52 connecting a usb device 53 simplink connection 53 - activating and using the simplink menus 54 maintenance 54 cleaning your tv 54 - screen, frame, cabinet and stand 54 - power cord 55 troubleshooting 56 external control device setup 57 specifications y y image shown may differ from your tv. y y your tvs osd (on screen display) may differ slightly from that shown in this manual. y y the available menus and options may differ from the input source or product model that you are using. y y new features may be added to this tv in the future. note
english 11 installation procedure / assembling and preparing installation procedure 1 open the package and make sure all the accessories are included. 2 attach the stand to the tv set. 3 connect an external device to the tv set. assembling and preparing unpacking check your product box for the following items. if there are any missing accessories, contact the local dealer where you purchased your product. the illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product and item. y y do not use any unapproved items to ensure the safety and product life span. y y any damages or injuries by using unapproved items are not covered by the warranty. y y some models appear to have a thin film on the screen. it is actually part of the screen, do not remove it. caution y y the items supplied with your product may vary depending on the model. y y product specifications or contents of this manual may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. y y for an optimal connection, hdmi cables and usb devices should have bezels less than 10 mm (0.39 inches) thick and 18 mm (0.7 inches) width. y y use an extension cable that supports usb 2.0 if the usb cable or usb memory stick does not fit into your tvs usb port. b a a b *a 10 mm (0.39 inches) *b 18 mm (0.7 inches) note
english 12 assembling and preparing remote control, batteries (aaa) (see p. 20) owners manual, cd manual power cord (for 32ln520b, 42ln5200, 32ln530b, 32/39/42ln5300, 42/47/50ln5400) stand body, stand base (see p. 15) stand screws 3 ea, p5 x 25 4 ea, m4 x 14 (see p. 15) desk-mount screw (see p. 16) cable holder (see p. 18)
english 13 assembling and preparing parts and buttons button description / ( / ) scrolls through the saved channels. / ( / ) adjusts the volume level. ( ok ) selects the highlighted menu option or confirms an input. ( settings ) accesses the main menus, or saves your input and exits the menus. ( input ) changes the input source. ( ) turns the power on or off. 1 intelligent sensor - adjusts the image quality and brightness based on the surrounding environment. service only in 2 (mhl) usb in component in / av in video/ antenna in / cable in p b p r y in 1 r audio l/mono buttons screen speakers power indicator remote control sensor rear connection panel (see p. 44) side connection panel (see p. 44) intelligent sensor 1
english 14 assembling and preparing lifting and moving the tv when moving or lifting the tv, read the following to prevent the tv from being scratched or damaged and for safe transportation regardless of its type and size. y y avoid touching the screen at all times, as this may result in damage to the screen. caution y y it is recommended to move the tv in the box or packing material that the tv originally came in. y y before moving or lifting the tv, disconnect the power cord and all cables. y y when holding the tv, the screen should face away from you to avoid damage. y y hold the top and bottom of the tv frame firmly. make sure not to hold the transparent part, speaker, or speaker grill area. y y when transporting a large tv, there should be at least 2 people. y y when transporting the tv by hand, hold the tv as shown in the following illustration. y y when transporting the tv, do not expose the tv to jolts or excessive vibration. y y when transporting the tv, keep the tv upright, never turn the tv on its side or tilt towards the left or right.
english 15 assembling and preparing setting up the tv you can mount your tv to a wall or attach the stand if you wish to place the tv on an entertainment center or other furniture. attaching the stand if you are not mounting the tv to a wall, use the following instructions to attach the stand. y y when attaching the stand to the tv set, place the screen facing down on a cushioned table or flat surface to protect the screen from scratches. y y make sure that the screws are fastened tightly. (if they are not fastened securely enough, the tv may tilt forward after being installed.) y y do not tighten the screws with too much force; otherwise they may be damaged and come loose later. caution y y remove the stand before installing the tv on a wall mount by performing the stand attachment in reverse. note stand body stand base front 1 3 ea p5 x 25 3 4 ea m4 x 14 2
english 16 assembling and preparing mounting on a table 1 lift and tilt the tv into its upright position on a table. - leave a 10 cm (4 inches) (minimum) space from the wall for proper ventilation. 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm ?- m? 2 connect the power cord to a wall outlet. y y do not place the tv near or on sources of heat, as this may result in fire or other damage. caution securing the tv to a table (for 32ln520b, 42ln5200, 32ln530b, 32/39/42ln5300, 42/47/50ln5400) fix the tv to a table to prevent from tilting forward, damage, and potential injury. mount the tv on a table, and then insert and tighten the supplied screw on the rear of the stand. y y to prevent tv from falling over, the tv should be securely attached to the floor/ wall per installation instructions. tipping, shaking, or rocking the tv may cause injury. warning
english 17 assembling and preparing securing the tv to a wall (optional) (depending on model) 1 insert and tighten the eye-bolts, or tv brackets and bolts on the back of the tv. - if there are bolts inserted at the eye-bolts position, remove the bolts first. 2 mount the wall brackets with the bolts to the wall. match the location of the wall bracket and the eye-bolts on the rear of the tv. 3 connect the eye-bolts and wall brackets tightly with a sturdy rope. make sure to keep the rope horizontal with the flat surface. y y make sure that children do not climb on or hang on the tv. caution y y use a platform or cabinet that is strong and large enough to support the tv securely. y y brackets, bolts and ropes are optional. you can obtain additional accessories from your local dealer. note using the kensington security system (optional) the kensington security system connector is located at the rear of the tv. for more information of installation and using, refer to the manual provided with the kensington security system or visit http://www.kensington. com. connect the kensington security system cable between the tv and a table. y y the kensington security system is optional. you can obtain additional accessories from your local dealer. note
english 18 assembling and preparing tidying cables 1 gather and bind the cables with the cable holder. cable holder y y do not move the tv by holding the cable holder, as the cable holders may break, and injuries and damage to the tv may occur. caution mounting on a wall an optional wall mount can be used with your lg television. consult with your local dealer for a wall mount that supports the vesa standard used by your tv model. carefully attach the wall mount bracket at the rear of the tv. install the wall mount bracket on a solid wall perpendicular to the floor. if you are attaching the tv to other building materials, please contact qualified personnel to install the wall mount. detailed instructions will be included with the wall mount. we recommend that you use an lg brand wall mount. 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm ?- m? make sure to use screws and wall mounts that meet the vesa standard. standard dimensions for the wall mount kits are described in the following table.
english 19 assembling and preparing model 32ln520b 32ln530b 32ln5300 39ln5300 42ln5200 42ln5300 42ln5400 vesa (a x b) a b 200 x 100 200 x 200 standard screw m4 m6 number of screws 4 4 wall mount bracket (optional) lsw130b lsw230b model 47ln5400 50ln5400 55LN5400 vesa (a x b) a b 400 x 400 standard screw m6 number of screws 4 wall mount bracket (optional) lsw430b y y disconnect the power before moving or installing the tv. otherwise electric shock may occur. y y if you install the tv on a ceiling or slanted wall, it may fall and result in severe injury. use an authorized lg wall mount and contact the local dealer or qualified personnel. y y do not over tighten the screws as this may cause damage to the tv and void your warranty. y y use the screws and wall mounts that meet the vesa standard. any damages or injuries by misuse or using an improper accessory are not covered by the warranty. caution y y use the screws that are listed in the vesa standard screw specifications. y y the wall mount kit includes an installation manual and necessary parts. y y the wall mount bracket is optional. you can obtain additional accessories from your local dealer. y y the length of screws may differ depending on the wall mount. make sure to use the proper length. y y for more information, refer to the manual supplied with the wall mount. note
english 20 remote control remote control the descriptions in this manual are based on the buttons on the remote control. please read this manual carefully and use the tv correctly. to install batteries, open the battery cover, replace batteries (1.5 v aaa) matching the and ends to the label inside the compartment, and close the battery cover. to remove the batteries, perform the installation actions in reverse. y y do not mix old and new batteries, as this may damage the remote control. caution this remote uses infrared light. when in use, it should be pointed in the direction of the tvs remote sensor. flashbk audi o (power) turns the tv on or off. tv returns to the last tv channel. caption activates or deactivate the subtitles. av mode (see p. 27) selects an av mode. ratio (see p. 26) resizes an image. input (see p. 27) changes the input source. turns the tv on if it is off. vol adjusts the volume level. fav (see p. 24) accesses your favorite channel list. audio digital signal: changes the audio language. analog signal: changes the sound setting. mute mutes all sounds. ch scrolls through the saved channels. page moves to the previous or next screen. number button enters numbers. - (dash) inserts a dash between numbers such as 2-1 and 2-2. list (see p. 24) accesses the saved channel list. flashbk alternates between the two last channels selected (pressing repeatedly).
english 21 remote control flashbk audi o picture changes the image mode. info (see p. 25) shows information on the current program. sound changes the sound mode. (see p. 53) accesses the av devices connected to the tv. opens the simplink menu. sleep sets the length of time until the tv to turns off. control buttons ( , , , , ) controls simplink compatible devices (usb,simplink). color buttons these access special functions in some menus. ( : red, : green, : yellow, : blue) settings accesses the main menu. (see p. 28) accesses the quick menu. navigation buttons (up/down/left/right) scrolls through menus or options. ok selects menus or options and confirms your input. back returns to the previous screen. exit clears all on-screen displays and returns to tv viewing.
english 22 watching tv watching tv turning the tv on for the first time when you turn the tv on for the first time, the initial setting screen appears. select a language and customize the basic settings. 1 connect the power cord to a power outlet. 2 in standby mode, press the power button on the remote control to turn the tv on. the initial setting screen appears when you turn the tv on for the first time. y y you can also access initial setting by accessing option in the main menu. note 3 follow the on-screen instructions to customize your tv settings according to your preferences. language selects a language to display. ? mode setting selects home use for the home environment. ? time setting selects the time zone and daylight saving. ? auto tuning scans and saves available channels automatically. y y to display images in the best quality for your home environment, select home use . y y store demo is suitable for the retail environment. y y if you select store demo , any customized settings will switch back to the default settings of store demo in 5 minutes. note 4 when the basic settings are complete, press the ok . y y if you do not complete the initial setting, it will appear whenever the tv turns on. y y disconnect the power cord from the power outlet when you do not use the tv for a long period of time. note 5 to turn the tv off, press the power button on the remote control. watching tv 1 in standby mode, press the power button on the remote control to turn the tv on. 2 press input and select tv . 3 control the tv using the following buttons while you are watching tv. button description ch ( , ) scrolls through saved channels. list selects a channel on the saved channel list. 0 - 9 selects a channel by entering numbers. vol ( , ) adjusts the volume level. mute mutes all sounds. av mode 1 selects an av mode. (see p. 27) accesses the quick menus. (see p. 28) flashbk alternates between the last two channels selected. ratio resizes an image. (see p. 26) 1 each av mode has different optimized image and sound settings. if you select off , the image and sound settings will be restored to the previously customized settings. 4 to turn the tv off, press the power button on the remote control. the tv switches to standby mode.
english 23 watching tv managing channels setting up channels storing channels to store channels automatically, 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to channel and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to auto tuning and press ok . 4 select yes to start automatic tuning. the tv scans and saves available channels automatically. y y if the tv scans and saves channels, the previously saved channels will be overwritten. note 5 when you are finished, press exit . when you return to the previous menu, press back . to store channels manually, 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll channel and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to manual tuning and press ok . 4 scroll through the channel types, and then add or delete channels. 5 when you are finished, press exit . when you return to the previous menu, press back . y y you can store up to 800 channels. the number of channels that you can store differs depending on the broadcasting signal environment. y y the channels are stored in the order of dtv , tv , cadtv and catv . note
english 24 watching tv editing your channel list 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to channel and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to channel edit and press ok . 4 edit channels using the following buttons. button description highlights the channel type. , , , scrolls through channel types or channels. ok selects the highlighted channel to view. ch ( , ) moves to the previous or next page. blue button adds or deletes a channel. the deleted channel displays in grey. 5 when you are finished, press exit . when you return to the previous menu, press back . selecting a channel on the channel list 1 press list to access the channel list. - to move to the previous or next page, press ch ( , ) . - to tune to the channel menu - channel edit , press blue button. 2 select a channel you want and press ok . using favorite channels add the channels that you watch frequently to the favorite list. setting up your favorite list 1 select a channel to add to the favorite list. 2 press . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to del/add/fav . 4 press the navigation buttons to scroll to favorite . 5 press ok to add the selected channel to the favorite list. 6 when you are finished, press exit . selecting a channel on the favorite list 1 press fav to access the favorite list. - to move to the previous or next page, press ch ( , ) . 2 select a channel you want and press ok .
english 25 watching tv checking current program info press ok to view the information of the currently program while you are watching. the following information appears at the top of the screen. banner information date program title start time progress bar end time current time ?'79   o? &11 %ulhi,qir7lwoh7hvw :hg1ry ??0xowlolqjxdo?&dswlrqla03$$3* $0 $0 $0 icon description dolby digital ? the program contains a dolby digital audio signal. supported by tv and hdmi input sources. multilingual ? the program contains two or more audio language services. you can change the audio language using the quick menu. caption ? the program contains one or more language caption services. you can change the caption language using the quick menu. aspect ratio ? ? the original aspect ratio of the video is 4:3. the original aspect ratio of the video is 16:9 (wide). resolution 480i 480p 720p 1080i 1080p the video resolution is 720 x 480i. the video resolution is 720 x 480p. the video resolution is 1280 x 720p. the video resolution is 1920 x 1080i. the video resolution is 1920 x 1080p. rating ? the program contains rating information. (see lock settings on p. 42)
english 26 watching tv using additional options adjusting aspect ratio resize an image to view at its optimal size by pressing ratio while you are watching tv. y y you can also change the image size by pressing or accessing aspect ratio in the picture menu. y y the available ratio varies depending on the input source. - the input sources: hdmi-pc support 4:3 and 16:9. note - 16:9 : resizes images to fit the screen width. - just scan : displays video images in the original size without cutting off the edges. y y if you select just scan , you may see image noises at the edge or edges of the screen. y y the input sources: dtv, component, and hdmi-dtv (720p/1080i/1080p) support just scan . note - set by program : displays images in the same aspect ratio as the original image. (4:3 4:3 ) (16:9 16:9 ) - 4:3 : resizes images to the previous standard 4:3. - zoom : formats an image to fit the screen width. the top and bottom of the image may not appear.
english 27 watching tv - cinema zoom1 : formats an image to the cinemascope ratio, 2.35:1. to change the ratio of the cinema zoom, press or and its range is from 1 to 16. y y if you enlarge or reduce an image, the image may be distorted. note changing av modes each av mode has optimized image and sound settings. press av mode repeatedly to select an appropriate mode. mode description off changes to the previously customized settings. cinema uses the optimized image and sound settings for a cinematic look. game uses the optimized image and sound settings for fast gaming. when playing a video game using playstation or xbox. it is recommended to use the game mode. when in game mode, functions related to picture quality will be optimized for playing games. using the input list selecting an input source 1 press input to access the input sources. - the connected device displays on each input source. y y you can also access the input source list by selecting input in the settings menu. note 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the input sources and press ok . ,qsxw/lvw ?([lw 79 $9 &rpsrqhqw +'0, +'0, input source description tv watch tv over the air, cable, and digital cable broadcast. av watch video from a vcr or other external devices. component watch video from a dvd or other external devices, or through a digital set-top box. hdmi watches video from a hts or other high definition devices. the disconnected input sources will be gray. - to add an input label, press the blue button. you can easily identify a device connected to each input source. - if you connect a new external device to the tv, a pop-up window appears. select yes on the pop-up window to switch to that input source.
english 28 watching tv adding an input label add a label to an input source so that you can easily identify a device connected to each input source. $9 &rpsrqhqw +'0, +'0,  9&5 y &orvh 1 press input to access the input sources. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the input sources. 3 press the blue button. 4 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the input labels and press ok . 5 when you are finished, press exit . when you return to the previous menu, press back . using the quick menu customize frequently used menus. 1 press to access the quick menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll through the following menus and press ok . menu description ? aspect ratio changes the image size. ? picture mode changes the image mode. ? sound mode changes the sound mode. ? caption activates or deactivate the subtitles. ? multi audio (digital signal) changes the audio language. ? sap (analog signal) changes the sound setting. ? sleep timer sets the length of time until the tv to turns off. ? del/add/ fav edits the channels to add or delete the channel. ? eject usb eject a usb device. the menu is displayed only when the usb device is connected. the available menus and options may differ from the input source that you are using. note 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the option you want. 4 when you are finished, press .
english 29 entertainment entertainment connecting usb storage devices connect usb storage devices such as a usb flash drive or external hard drive to the tv and use multimedia features. (see browsing files on p. 30) connect a usb flash drive or usb memory card reader to the tv as shown in the following illustration. usb in to disconnect a usb storage device, make sure to end the connection properly to prevent damages to the tv or files. 1 press to access the quick menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to eject usb and press ok . 3 disconnect the usb storage device only when the message says that it is safe to remove. y y do not turn the tv off or remove a usb storage device while the usb storage device is connected to the tv, as this could result in loss of files or damage to the usb storage device. y y back up your files saved on a usb storage device frequently, as you may lose or damage the files and this is not covered by the warranty. caution tips for using usb storage devices y y the tv recognizes only a usb storage device. y y if you connect a usb storage device to the tv through a usb hub, your tv may not recognize the usb storage device. y y the tv may not recognize a usb storage device that requires a special driver. y y the recognition speed of a usb storage device may differ depending on the device. y y only use a usb storage device which has normal music or image files. y y use only usb storage devices that are formatted as a fat 32 or ntfs file system. y y you may need to connect a usb storage device to an external power supply with a power adapter. y y if the tv does not recognize a connected usb storage device, replace the cable and try again. do not use an excessively long cable. y y the tv does not support some usb storage devices properly. y y you can use a multi-partition (up to 4) usb storage device. y y the file alignment method of a usb storage device is similar to the one of window xp. y y you cannot create or delete a folder saved in a usb storage device directly on the tv. y y the number of characters for a file name is up to 100 english characters. y y if there are too many folders and files in one folder, it may not operate properly. y y the recommended capacity for a usb external hard disk is 1 tb or less and for a usb storage device is 32 gb or less. y y if a usb external hard disk with the energy saving feature does not work, turn the usb external hard disk off and on again to make it work properly. for more information, refer to the user manual of the usb external hard disk. y y the electrostatic can cause usb devices malfunction. in this case, usb device has to be plugged again.
english 30 entertainment browsing files access the photo or music lists to browse files. 1 connect a usb storage device. 2 press navigation buttons to scroll to photo list or music list and press ok . photo list music list 3 select drivea to access the connected usb storage device. 4 press the navigation buttons to select a folder/ file you want. 4 1 6 3 2 5 photo list page 1/1 ? no marked usb device free space 4 gb drivea up folder ky103 09/ 15/2012 guu.jpg ky101 04/ 03/2012 ky104 10/ 12/2012 ky102 09/ 03/2012 ky105 11/ 27/2012 guu 11/ 27/2012 jmj005 11/ 27/2012 3872 x 2592, 2604kb jmj002 11/ 27/2012 jmj006 11/ 27/2012 jmj003 11/ 27/2012 jmj007 11/ 27/2012 up folder jmj004 11/ 27/2012 jmj008 11/ 27/2012 ? move ? popup menu ? move page ? mark ? exit 4 1 6 3 2 5 music list page 1/1 ? no marked usb device free space 4 gb drivea title duration ? 00:00 / 05:22 up folder ? move ? popup menu ? move page ? option ? mark ? exit no. description 1 moves to the upper level folder. 2 preview 3 current page/total pages 4 total number of marked files 5 contents under the folder focused on 1 6 available buttons on the remote control tips for using usb storage devices type supported file formats photo jpg available size baseline: 64 pixel (w) x 64 pixel (h) - 15360 pixel (w) x 8640 pixel (h) progressive: 64 pixel (w) x 64 pixel (h) - 1024 pixel (w) x 768 pixel (h) * do not use the progressive option when saving jpg files on your pc. it may take some time to open high- resolution images in full screen. music mp3 bit rate range 32 kbps - 320 kbps sampling rate (sampling frequency) mpeg1 layer 3: 32 khz, 44.1 khz, 48 khz mpeg2 layer 3: 16 khz, 22.05 khz, 24 khz mpeg2.5 layer 3: 8 khz, 11.025 khz, 12 khz * a copy-protected file will not play.
english 31 entertainment viewing photos you can view image files saved on a usb storage device. the displays on the screen may differ based on the model. 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to usb and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to photo list and press ok . 4 select drivea to access the connected usb storage device. 5 press the navigation buttons to scroll to a folder/file you want and press ok . 6 view photos by using the following menus/ buttons. photo list page 1/1 ? no marked usb device free space 4 gb drivea up folder ky103 09/ 15/2012 guu.jpg ky101 04/ 03/2012 ky104 10/ 12/2012 ky102 09/ 03/2012 ky105 11/ 27/2012 guu 11/ 27/2012 jmj005 11/ 27/2012 3872 x 2592, 2604kb jmj002 11/ 27/2012 jmj006 11/ 27/2012 jmj003 11/ 27/2012 jmj007 11/ 27/2012 up folder jmj004 11/ 27/2012 jmj008 11/ 27/2012 ? move ? popup menu ? move page ? mark ? exit button description navigation button scrolls through the files. ok views the highlighted file or enters the mark mode. ch ( , ) moves to the previous or next page. fav enters the mark mode. menu description view views the selected photo. mark all selects all files unmark all clears all of your selections. close exits the mark mode. y y : non-supported files are displayed using this graphic. note 7 the following options are available while viewing photos. ? 2/13 ? ? ? option slide show ? bgm ? ? hide option description slide show y y starts or stops a slideshow with selected photos. y y if there are no selected photos, all photos saved in the current folder display during a slideshow. y y to set a slideshow speed, select option. bgm (background music) turns the background music on or off. to set the background music folder, select option. ? (rotate) rotates photos clockwise. (90, 180, 270, 360) y y the supported photo size is limited. you cannot rotate a photo if the resolution of the rotated width is larger than the supported resolution size. note hide hides the option window. to display the options, press ok . y y option values changed in photo list do not affect music list. y y option values changed in photo list or music list are changed likewise in photo list and music list. note
english 32 entertainment options for photo list 1 press . a pop-up window will appear. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to set photo view . and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the following options and press ok . set photo view. option description slide speed selects a slideshow speed (fast, normal, slow). music folder selects a music folder for the background music. y y you cant change the music folder while the background music is playing. note set video. allows you to change video presets. (see picture settings on p. 35) set audio. allows you to change audio presets. (see audio settings on p. 38) listening to music 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to usb and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to music list and press ok . 4 select drivea to access the connected usb storage device. 5 press the navigation buttons to scroll to a folder/file you want and press ok . 6 play music by using the following menus/ buttons. music list page 1/1 ? no marked usb device free space 4 gb drivea title duration ? 00:00 / 05:22 up folder ? move ? popup menu ? move page ? option ? mark ? exit button description navigation button scrolls through the files. ok views the highlighted file or enters the mark mode. ch ( , ) moves to the previous or next page. fav enters the mark mode. menu description play plays the selected music file. play with photo displays photos during playback. mark all selects all files. unmark all clears all of your selections. close exits the mark mode. y y : abnormal files are displayed using this graphic. y y : non-supported files are displayed using this graphic. note
english 33 entertainment 7 control playing by using the following buttons. button description stops playback. plays a music file. pauses or resumes playback. skips to the previous file. skips to the next file. options for music list 1 press . a pop-up window will appear. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to set audio. and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the following options and press ok . y y option value changed in photo list and music list are changed likewise in photo list and music list. note set audio. allows you to change audio presets. (see audio settings on p. 38) y y the tv will not play copy protected files. y y if the tv is not in use for some time during playback, the information box as a screensaver will appear to prevent image burn. to return to the music list screen, press ok or back . time elapsed /duration w wcwwan gw::lpnwsw:pln file name note
english 34 customizing tv settings customizing tv settings the main menus 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the following menus and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . 4 when you are finished, press exit . picture audio channel time option lock input usb picture (see p. 35) adjusts the image size, quality, or effect. audio (see p. 38) adjusts the sound quality, effect, or volume level. time (see p. 39) sets the time, date, or timer feature. usb (see p. 29) displays photo and play music content stored on your usb. input (see p. 27) views the input sources with their labels. option (see p. 40) customizes general settings. lock (see p. 42) locks or unlocks channels and programs. channel (see p. 39) sets up and edits channels.
english 35 customizing tv settings customizing settings picture settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to picture and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available picture settings are described in the following. setting description ? energy saving reduces the power consumption by adjusting the screen brightness. y y when selecting auto or maximum , backlight will not work. note option auto the backlight is adjusted automatically corresponding to the surroundings when selecting auto using the intelligent sensor feature. off select if this feature is not necessary. minimum/ medium/ maximum selects the brightness level. screen off the screen turns off in 3 seconds. pressing any button of the remote control will turn on the screen again. picture mode selects one of the preset image or customizes options in each mode for the best tv screen performance. you are also able to customize advanced options of each mode. the available preset picture modes vary depending on the tv. mode vivid adjusts the video image for the retail environment by enhancing the contrast, brightness, color, and sharpness. standard adjusts the image for a normal environment. eco the energy saver feature changes settings on the tv to reduce power consumption. cinema optimizes the video image for a cinematic look to enjoy movies as if you are in a movie theater. game optimizes the video image for fast moving video such as pcs or games. expert1 or 2 adjusts the detailed video image settings for video experts as well as general viewers. picture wizard adjusts the image quality and calibrates the screen. the customized options will be saved as expert1 in the picture mode . y y if you use picture wizard , the energy saving feature will turn off automatically. y y to reset changes made by picture wizard , operate reset when picture mode is on expert1 . note aspect ratio changes the image size to view images at its optimal size. (see p. 26) ok move 3,&785( oe (qhuj\6dylqj m2ii 3lfwxuh0rgh m6wdqgdug  %dfn/ljkw e  &rqwudvw o  %uljkwqhvv   6kdusqhvv e  &roru   7lqw  r g x r w c x x x vguve
english 36 customizing tv settings basic image options setting description backlight adjusts the brightness of the screen by controlling the lcd backlight. if you decrease the brightness level, the screen becomes darker and the power consumption will be reduced without any video signal loss. y y if you use the energy saving - off , minimum , medium , backlight will be available. note contrast increases or decreases the amplitude of the video signal. you may use contrast when the bright part of the picture is saturated. brightness adjusts the base level of the signal in the picture. sharpness adjusts the level of crispness in the edges between the light and dark areas of the picture. the lower the level, the softer the image. color adjusts intensity of all colors. tint adjusts the balance between red and green levels. color temperature sets to warm to enhance hotter colors such as red, or set to cool to enhance cooler colors such as blue. advanced control or expert control customizes the advanced options. picture option adjusts detailed setting for images. reset restores the options of each mode to the factory default. advanced or expert image options (depending on model) setting description dynamic contrast adjusts the contrast to keep it at the best level according to the brightness of the screen. the picture is improved by making bright parts brighter and dark parts darker. dynamic color adjusts screen colors so that they look livelier, richer and clearer. this feature enhances hue, saturation and luminance so that red, blue and green white look more vivid. skin color skin color spectrum can be separately set to implement the skin color defined by the user. grass color natural color spectrum(meadows, hills, etc.) can be separately set. sky color sky color is set separately. gamma sets the gradation curve according to the output of picture signal in relation to the input signal. color gamut displays color domain of the signal. y y standard: displays standard set of colors. y y ebu: mode to display ebu standard color area. y y smpte: mode to display smpte standard color area. y y bt709: mode to display bt709 standard color area. y y wide: increase number of colors used. edge enhancer shows clearer and distinctive yet natural edges of the video. this function works well over sharpness ui 30 value. color filter this is the function to filter the specific colors of the video. you can use the rgb filter to set color saturation and hue accurately.
english 37 customizing tv settings color temperature adjusts the overall color of the screen by changing the white baseline. a. gamma : select cool, medium, warm1, warm2 b. method : 2 points y y pattern: inner, outer y y points: low, high y y red/green/blue: the adjustment range is -50 - +50 c. method : 20 point ire y y pattern: inner, outer y y ire (institute of radio engineers) is the unit to display the size of the video signal and can be set among 0, 5, 10, 15 - 100. you can adjust red, green or blue according to each setting. y y red/green/blue: the adjustment range is -50 - +50. d. apply to all inputs color management system as the tool used by the experts to make adjustments by using the test patterns, this does not affect other colors but can be used to selectively adjust the 6 color areas (red/green/blue/cyan/magenta/ yellow). color difference may not be distinctive even when you make the adjustments for the general video. adjusts red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta. red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta saturation: the adjustment range is -30 - +30. red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta tint: the adjustment range is -30 - +30. red/green/blue/yellow/cyan/magenta luminance: the adjustment range is -30 - +30. picture option (depending on model) setting description noise reduction reduces screen noise without compromising video quality. mpeg noise reduction reduces noise saused by compressing digital video. black level sets black level of the screen to proper level. this function is available in the following modes: tv(ntsc-m/j, pal-m, pal-n), av (ntsc-m/j, pal-m, pal-n), hdmi or component. y y auto: realizing the black level of the screen and set it to high or low automatically. y y low: the reflection of the screen gets darker. y y high: the reflection of the screen gets brighter. real cinema optimizes the screen for movie viewing. motion eye care saves power consumption by adjusting the brightness corresponding to movement in the video.
english 38 customizing tv settings audio settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to audio and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available audio settings are described in the following. setting description auto volume activates the auto volume feature to keep the volume level consistent whenever you change channels. the volume level may not be consistent due to different signal conditions of broadcasting stations. clear voice ii enhances human voice clarity. you can adjust the level of clarity when you set this feature on. balance adjusts balance between the left and right speakers according to your room environment. sound mode selects one of the preset sound modes or customizes options in each mode. mode standard select when you want standard-quality sound. music select when you listen to music. cinema select when you watch movies. sport select when you watch sports events. game select when you play games. y y if the clear voice ii feature is on, virtual surround will not be activated. note option virtual surround virtual surround is a patented lg proprietary sound processing technology that produces immersive 5.1 surround sound with just two front speakers. treble controls the dominant sounds in the output. when you turn up the treble, it will increase the output to the higher frequency range. bass controls the softer sounds in the output. when you turn up the bass, it will increase the output to the lower frequency range. reset resets the sound mode to the default setting. tv speaker turns off the internal speaker of the tv when using an external hi-fi system. ok move audio auto olume : on clear oice ii : o 3 balance 0 l r v x v x r x r x v move ok
english 39 customizing tv settings time settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to time and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available time settings are described in the following. setting description clock sets the time, date, time zone, and daylight-saving time feature. the time will be set automatically according to a digital channel signal which includes time information provided by the broadcasting station. if not, set the time and date manually. off time / on time sets the time to turn on or off the tv automatically. to use this function, you should set the current time and date in advance. y y if you do not press any button within 2 hours after the tv turns on by the on time feature, the tv enters the standby mode automatically. y y when power is turned on: the power is automatically turned off by the off time feature. y y when power is turned off: the power is automatically turned on by the on time feature. note sleep timer sets the length of time until the tv to turns off. when you turn the tv off and turn it on again, the sleep timer feature will be set to off. ok move time clock o time : o on time : o sleep timer : o move ok channel settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to channel and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available channel settings are described in the following. setting description auto tuning tunes and stores all available channels through antennas or cable inputs. (see p. 23) manual tuning tunes and stores the channels you want manually. (see p. 23) channel edit adds or deletes channels on the channel. (see p. 24) ok move channel auto tuning manual tuning channel edit move ok
english 40 customizing tv settings option settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to option and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available general settings are described in the following. setting description language selects a desired language. option menu selects a language for the display text. audio selects an audio language for your program. this feature operates only in the dtv or cadtv mode. input label indicates which device is connected to which input port. simplink use the tv remote control to play and control the av device connected with the hdmi cable through hdmi-cec. caption sets whether to display captions and customize your option in each mode. mode cc1 - 4 (closed captioning) displays the audio portion of a tv program as text on the tv screen. cc1 is the most common mode in use. - field 1 data channels: two captions (cc1, cc2) and two text (t1, t2). - field 2 data channels: two captions (cc3, cc4) and two text (t1, t2). text1 - 4 service1 - 6 this is only available for the digital broadcasting system. digital option (for dtv, cadtv) size selects the word size. font selects a typeface for the text. text color selects a color for the text. text opacity adjusts the opacity for the text color. bg color selects a background color. bg opacity adjusts the opacity for the background color. edge type selects an edge type. edge color selects a color for the edges. demo mode shows special features of the tv. you can cancel the demo mode by pressing any button. set id adds an id to the connected devices. ok move option language input label simplink : on caption : off demo mode : off set id : 1 initial setting : home use patent information move ok
english 41 customizing tv settings initial setting resets the tv to factory default and erases all stored channels. customizes the tv settings to suit your preference. the initial setup screen will appear when you turn on the tv for the first time. y y when selecting lock system - on in the lock menu, the message to enter the password appears. note setting language selects a desired language. mode setting selects home use for the home environment. selects store demo for the retail environment. selects demo mode to set to show special features of the tv. you can cancel the demo mode by pressing any buttons. y y when selecting store demo , demo mode will be activated. note time setting sets the time zone and daylight saving. auto tuning scans and saves available channels automatically.
english 42 customizing tv settings lock settings 1 press settings to access the main menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to lock and press ok . 3 press the navigation buttons to scroll to the setting or option you want and press ok . - to return to the previous level, press back . 4 when you are finished, press exit . the available channel settings are described in the following. setting description lock system activates or deactivates the lock system. set password changes the 4-digit password. the default pin is 0 0 0 0. block channel blocks the channels that contain inappropriate content for children by pressing the blue button. the lock icon appears in front of the blocked channels. the channels can be selected but the screen is blanked and the audio is muted. movie rating blocks the movies that are only broadcasted on the tv and contain inappropriate contents, based on the motion picture association of america (mpaa) rating. rating g general audiences C all ages admitted pg parental guidance suggested C some material may not be suitable for children pg-13 patents strongly cautioned C some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 r restricted C under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian nc-17 no one 17 and under admitted x adults only blocking off permits all programs tv rating- children blocks programs that parents do not want their children to watch. to block other tv programs, you should set the tv rating-general feature. rating age tv-y (all children, including children from ages 2-6) tv-y7 (directed to older children, suitable for children age 6 and above) fantasy violence ty-y7 (directed to older children C fantasy violence, suitable for children age 6 and above, containing more intense or combative fantasy violence) ok move lock lock system : off set password block channel movie rating tv rating-children tv rating-general downloadable rating input block move ok
english 43 customizing tv settings tv rating- general blocks the tv programs that you want based on the ratings by using the parental control function (v-chip). y y the v-chip electronically reads tv program ratings and allows parents to block programs that are unsuitable for children. note rating age tv-g (general audience, suitable for all ages) tv-pg (parental guidance suggested, containing material that are unsuitable for younger children) tv-14 (parents strongly cautioned, containing material that are unsuitable for children age 14 and under) tv-ma (mature audience only, unsuitable for children age under 17) dialog (suggestive dialogue) tv-pg or tv-14 language (coarse language) tv-pg, tv-14, or tv-ma sex (sexual situation) tv-pg, tv-14, or tv-ma violence tv-pg, tv-14, or tv-ma downloadable rating this function operates only when tv has received region5 rating data. the name of the rating option may differ. y y this feature is available only for digital channels. note input block blocks the input sources.
english 44 making connections making connections you can connect various external devices to the tv. supported external devices are: hd receivers, dvd players, vcrs, audio systems, usb storage devices, pc, gaming devices, and other external devices. for more information on external devices connection, refer to the manual provided with each device. y y if you record a tv program on a dvd recorder or vcr, make sure to connect the tv signal input cable to the tv through a dvd recorder or vcr. for more information of recording, refer to the manual provided with the connected device. y y the external device connections shown may differ slightly from illustrations in this manual. y y connect external devices to the tv regardless of the order of the tv port. y y if you connect a gaming device to the tv, use the cable supplied with the gaming device. y y refer to the external equipments manual for operating instructions. note connecting to an antenna or cable connect an antenna, cable, or cable box to watch tv while referring to the following. the illustrations may differ from the actual items and a rf cable is optional. vhf an te nna uhf an te nna an te nna te rminal coaxial (7 5) (*not pr o vided) y y make sure not to bend the copper wire of the rf cable. copper wire y y complete all connections between devices, and then connect the power cord to the power outlet to prevent damage to your tv. caution y y use a signal splitter to use more than 2 tvs. y y visit for more information about the antenna and cable connection. search for antenna. y y dtv audio supported codec: mpeg, dolby digital. note
english 45 making connections connection overview connect various external devices to the ports on the tv back panel. 1 find an external device you want to connect to your tv as shown on the following illustration. 2 check the connection type of the external device. 3 go to the appropriate illustration and check the connection details. hd r eceiver dv d vc r speake r usb pc gaming device mobile phone
english 46 making connections connecting to a hd receiver, dvd player or vcr connect a hd receiver, dvd player or vcr to the tv and select an appropriate input mode. hdmi connection hdmi is the best way to connect a device. transmits digital video and audio signals from an external device to the tv. connect the external device and the tv with the hdmi cable as shown in the following illustration. y y use the latest high speed hdmi? cable that supports cec (customer electronics control) function. y y high speed hdmi? cables are tested to carry an hd signal up to 1080p and higher. y y hdmi audio supported format: dolby digital, pcm (up to 192 khz, 32k/44.1k/48k/96k/192k) -> dts is not supported. note choose any hdmi input port to connect. it does not matter which port you use. in 2 (mhl) hdmi dv d / blu-ray / hd cable bo x / hd st b (*not pr o vided) in 1
english 47 making connections connecting to a mobile phone mobile high-definition link (mhl) is an interface for transmitting digital audio/visual signals from mobile phones to television sets. y y connect the mobile phone to the hdmi in 2 (mhl) port to view the phone screen on the tv. y y this only works with an mhl-enabled phones. y y with some mhl supporting mobile phones, you can use the tv remote to control the phone. y y an mhl supported cable is needed to connect the tv and a mobile phone. y y remove the mhl cable from the tv when: - the mhl function is disabled. - your mobile device is fully charged in standby mode. note (*not pr o vided) mhl cable mobile phone in 2 (mhl)
english 48 making connections component connection transmits analog video and audio signals from an external device to the tv. connect the external device and the tv with a component cable as shown in the following illustration. y y if cables are installed incorrectly, it could cause the image to display in black and white or with distorted color. y y check to ensure the cables are matched with the corresponding color connection. note component in / av in video/ p b p r y r audio l/mono p b p r y r l video audio vcr / dvd / blu-ray / hd cable bo x green red bl ue (*not pr o vided) red white green red bl ue red white (*not pr o vided)
english 49 making connections composite connection transmits analog video and audio signals from an external device to the tv. connect the external device and the tv with the composite cable as shown in the following illustration. y y if you have a mono vcr, connect the audio cable from the vcr to the audio l/mono jack of the tv. note component in / av in video/ p b p r y r audio l/mono v cr / dv d / blu-ray / hd cable bo x video r audio l/mono (*not pr o vided) yellow red white yellow red white
english 50 making connections connecting a pc y y it is recommended to use an hdmi connection for the best image quality. y y depending on the graphics card, dos mode video may not work if a hdmi to dvi cable is in use. y y in pc mode, there may be noise associated with the resolution, vertical pattern, contrast or brightness. if noise is present, change the pc output to another resolution, change the refresh rate to another rate or adjust the brightness and contrast on the picture menu until the picture is clear. y y the synchronization input form for horizontal and vertical frequencies is separate. y y depending on the graphics card, some resolution settings may not allow the image to be positioned on the screen properly. y y if you use dvi to hdmi cable for pc, you have to use external speaker for pc audio sound. note hdmi connection in 1 hdmi (*not pr o vided) pc
english 51 making connections connecting to an audio system you can use an optional external audio system instead of the built-in speaker. digital optical audio connection transmits a digital audio signal from the tv to an external device. connect the external device and the tv with the optical audio cable as shown in the following illustration. y y do not look into the optical output port. looking at the laser beam may damage your vision. y y audio with acp (audio copy protection) function may block digital audio output. note optical audio in digital a udio sys te m (*not pr o vided)
english 52 making connections connecting a usb device connect a usb storage device such as a usb flash memory, external hard drive, or a usb memory card reader to the tv and access the usb menu to use various multimedia files. usb in usb (*not pr o vided)
english 53 making connections simplink connection use the tv remote control to play and control the av device connected with the hdmi cable through hdmi-cec. your tv only works with the devices that support hdmi-cec. but only devices with the logo are supported. connect one end of the hdmi cable to the hdmi in terminal on the rear of the tv and the other end to the simplink device. y y if the connected device does not support hdmi-cec, the simplink feature is unavailable. y y to operate simplink, you should use a high speed hdmi cable that supports cec (consumer electronics control) function. y y simplink may not work properly if you a third-party device that has an hdmi-cec function. note activating and using the simplink menus 1 press simplink to access the simplink menus. 2 press the navigation buttons to scroll to one of the devices and press ok . tv disc hd player vcr hd ht 1 hdd recorder speaker tv speaker move change device select 1 2 3 4 5 no. description 1 displays the previously viewed tv channel. 2 plays discs. when multiple discs are available, the title of the disc appears at the bottom of the screen. 3 controls the connected vcr. 4 hdd recordings playback: controls the recording stored in hdd. 5 changes the audio output between home theater speaker and tv speaker for the connected hts only. - a check mark appears in front of the selected device. - available devices display in a bright color. - unavailable devices display in grey. 3 control the selected av device. - direct play: after connecting av devices to the tv, you can directly control the devices and play media without additional settings. - select av device: enables you to select one of the av devices connected to the tv. - disc playback: control connected av devices by pressing the navigation buttons, ok , , , , and . - power off all devices: when you power off the tv, all connected devices are turned off. - switch audio-out: offers an easy way to switch audio-out. (hts only) - sync power on: when the equipment with simplink function connected hdmi terminal starts to play, the tv will automatically turn on. y y if you change the input source by pressing input , the progressing function of the simplink device will stop. y y if you select a device that has the home theater feature, the sound output automatically switches to the home theater speaker and the tv speaker turns off. y y if a connected simplink home theater system does not play the audio from the tv, connect the digital audio out terminal on the rear of the tv to the digital audio in terminal on the back of the simplink device with an optical cable. note
english 54 maintenance maintenance cleaning your tv clean your tv regularly to keep it at peak performance and to extend the product lifespan. y y before cleaning, turn the power off and disconnect the power cord and all other cables. y y when the tv is left unattended or unused for a long time, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet to prevent possible damage from lightning or power surges. caution screen, frame, cabinet and stand to remove dust or light dirt, wipe the surface with a dry, clean, and soft cloth. to remove major dirt, wipe the surface with a soft cloth dampened in clean water or a diluted mild detergent. then wipe immediately with a dry cloth. y y do not push, rub, or hit the surface with your fingernail or a sharp object, as this may result in scratches on the screen and image distortions. y y do not use any chemicals, such as waxes, benzene, alcohol, thinners, insecticides, air fresheners, lubricants, as these may damage the screens finish and cause discoloration. y y do not spray liquid onto the surface. if water enters the tv, it may result in fire, electric shock, or malfunction. caution power cord remove the accumulated dust or dirt on the power cord regularly.
english 55 troubleshooting troubleshooting general problem solution cannot control the tv with the remote control. y y check the remote control sensor on the product and try again. y y check if there is any obstacle between the product and the remote control. y y check if the batteries are still working and properly installed ( to , to ). no image display and no sound is produced. y y check if the product is turned on. y y check if the power cord is connected to a wall outlet. y y check if there is a problem in the wall outlet by connecting other products. image appears slowly when the tv turns on. y y the image is muted during the product startup process. this is normal. if the image does not appear in a few minutes, unplug the tv for 30 seconds and try again. if the image still does not appear, contact the authorized service center in your local area. cannot connect external devices. y y refer to the connection overview and connect an external device. the tv turns off suddenly. y y check the power control settings. the power supply may be interrupted. y y check if the auto sleep feature is activated in the time settings. refer to the sleep timer . y y if there is no signal while the tv is on, the tv will turn off automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity. (depending on model) audio problem solution no sound is produced while images are displaying. y y press vol or button. y y check if the sound is muted by pressing mute . y y scroll to other channels. there may a problem with the broadcast. y y check if the tv speaker feature is activated in the menu option. no output from one of the speakers y y adjust balance in the menu option. unusual sound from inside the tv is produced. y y a change in ambient humidity or temperature may result in an unusual noise when the product turns on or off. there is no problem with your product.
english 56 troubleshooting / external control device setup video problem solution an image displays in black and white or the color quality is poor. y y adjust the color setting in the menu option. y y keep a sufficient distance between this product and other electronic products. y y scroll to other channels. there may a problem with the broadcast. horizontal or vertical bars appears or images blur y y check if there are local interferences such as an electrical appliance or power tool. lines or streaks appear on images y y check the antenna or aim the antenna to the proper direction. afterimages (ghosts) appear when the product turns off y y pixels may have been damaged from a fixed image displayed for a long time (image burn). use a screen saver to prevent the pixel damage on the screen. the power is on but the screen appears extremely dark. y y adjust the brightness and contrast in the menu option. no signal appears on the screen. y y check if the signal cable is connected between the tv and products properly. y y check the selected input source by pressing input . black spots appear on the screen. y y several pixels in red, green, white, or black may appear on the screen that can attribute to the characteristics of the panel. y y this is normal. the display offset is wrong. y y adjust the position setting in the picture menu. y y check if the video card resolution and frequency are supported by the product. if the frequency is out of range, set to the recommended resolution using the display settings on the external device. thin lines appear in the background of the screen. y y check the video cable connections. the reception on some channels is poor y y scroll to other channels. there may a problem with the broadcast. y y the station signal may be weak. aim the antenna to the proper direction. y y check if there is local interferences such as an electrical appliance or power tool. external control device setup to obtain the external control device setup information, please visit
english 57 specifications specifications product specifications may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. power requirement ac 100 - 240 v ~ 50 / 60 hz television system ntsc-m, atsc, 64 & 256 qam program coverage vhf 2-13, uhf 14-69, catv 1-135, dtv 2-69, cadtv 1-135 external antenna impedance 75 environment condition operating temperature 0 - 40 c operating humidity less than 80 % storage temperature -20 - 60 c storage humidity less than 85 % models 32ln520b (32ln520b-ua) 42ln5200 (42ln5200-ua) dimensions (w x h x d) with stand 738 x 497 x 207 (mm) 968 x 629 x 236 (mm) 29.0 x 19.5 x 8.1 (inch) 38.1 x 24.7 x 9.2 (inch) without stand 738 x 449 x 79 (mm) 968 x 579 x 79 (mm) 29.0 x 17.6 x 3.1 (inch) 38.1 x 22.7 x 3.1 (inch) weight with stand 7.0 kg (15.4 lbs) 10.7 kg (23.5 lbs) without stand 6.4 kg (14.1 lbs) 9.6 kg (21.1 lbs) current value / power consumption 1.3 a / 80 w 1.6 a / 110 w models 32ln530b (32ln530b-ua) 39ln5300 (39ln5300-ub) 32ln5300 (32ln5300-ub) dimensions (w x h x d) with stand 738 x 497 x 207 (mm) 894 x 587 x 236 (mm) 29.0 x 19.5 x 8.1 (inch) 35.1 x 23.1 x 9.2 (inch) without stand 738 x 449 x 79 (mm) 894 x 537 x 79.0 (mm) 29.0 x 17.6 x 3.1 (inch) 35.1 x 21.1 x 3.1 (inch) weight with stand 7.0 kg (15.4 lbs) 9.7 kg (21.3 lbs) without stand 6.4 kg (14.1 lbs) 8.6 kg (18.9 lbs) current value / power consumption 1.3 a / 80 w 1.5 a / 100 w models 42ln5300 (42ln5300-ub) dimensions (w x h x d) with stand 968 x 629 x 236 (mm) 38.1 x 24.7 x 9.2 (inch) without stand 968 x 579 x 79 (mm) 38.1 x 22.7 x 3.1 (inch) weight with stand 10.7 kg (23.5 lbs) without stand 9.6 kg (21.1 lbs) current value / power consumption 1.6 a / 110 w
english 58 specifications models 42ln5400 (42ln5400-ua) 47ln5400 (47ln5400-ua) dimensions (w x h x d) with stand 968 x 629 x 236 (mm) 1,080 x 694 x 264 (mm) 38.1 x 24.7 x 9.2 (inch) 42.5 x 27.3 x 10.3 (inch) without stand 968 x 579 x 79 (mm) 1,080 x 642 x 80.5 (mm) 38.1 x 22.7 x 3.1 (inch) 42.5 x 25.2 x 3.1 (inch) weight with stand 10.7 kg (23.5 lbs) 14.5 kg (31.9 lbs) without stand 9.6 kg (21.1 lbs) 13.1 kg (28.8 lbs) current value / power consumption 1.1 a / 110 w 1.3 a / 130 w models 50ln5400 (50ln5400-ua) 55LN5400 (55LN5400-ua) dimensions (w x h x d) with stand 1,136 x 727 x 264 (mm) 1,250 x 790 x 297 (mm) 44.7 x 28.6 x 10.3 (inch) 49.2 x 31.1 x 11.6 (inch) without stand 1,136 x 673 x 82.1 (mm) 1,250 x 737 x 79.1 (mm) 44.7 x 26.4 x 3.2 (inch) 49.2 x 29.0 x 3.1 (inch) weight with stand 15.6 kg (34.3 lbs) 21.2 kg (46.7 lbs) without stand 14.2 kg (31.3 lbs) 19.1 kg (42.1 lbs) current value / power consumption 1.4 a / 140 w 1.6 a / 160 w
english 59 specifications hdmi (dtv) supported mode resolution horizontal frequency (khz) vertical frequency (hz) 720 x 480p 31.47 59.94 31.50 60.00 1280 x 720p 44.96 59.94 45.00 60.00 1920 x 1080i 33.72 59.94 33.75 60.00 1920 x 1080p 26.97 23.976 27.00 24.00 33.71 29.97 33.75 30.00 67.432 59.94 67.50 60.00 component port connecting information component ports on the tv y p b p r video output ports on dvd player y p b p r y b-y r-y y cb cr y pb pr component supported mode resolution horizontal frequency (khz) vertical frequency (hz) 720 x 480i 15.73 59.94 15.73 60.00 720 x 480p 31.47 59.94 31.50 60.00 1280 x 720p 44.96 59.94 45.00 60.00 1920 x 1080i 33.72 59.94 33.75 60.00 1920 x 1080p 26.97 23.94 27.00 24.00 33.71 29.97 33.75 30.00 67.432 59.94 67.50 60.00
the model and serial number of the tv is located on the back and one side of the tv. record it below should you ever need service. model serial lg
2:1(5?60$18$/ (;7(51$/&21752/ '(9,&(6(783 3ohdvhuhdgwklvpdqxdofduhixoo\ehiruhrshudwlqjwkhvhwdqg uhwdlqlwiru ixwxuhuhihuhqfh
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please direct all service-related questions or comments to or call 1.800.243.0000 cmf01 lg electronics ? lg electronics po box 174355 denver co, 80217-4355 ii. i i. ii .. ii i i. i. i i ill. i i i. 1 .. i. i ii. i i. 1 .. i. i. i i. 1 .. i. i. i i. i. i first-class postage required. post office will not deliver without proper postage . protect your investment don't forget to register! online at g fill out and return this card registering is important, quick and easy! thank you for purchasing an lg product! we hope you are enjoying your new product and look forward to sharing some insider tips and tricks with you soon . registering your lg product is simple and also serves as a verification of ownership if your product is stolen or lost . in addition, you'll receive the following benefits and many more: ? helpful emails on how to make the most of your product ? reminders about product downloads and firmware ? more efficient warranty service ? exclusive information on new products and innovations ? special offers and promotions welcome to the lg family! please seal with tape. do not staple. p/n : 3840va0042g (1109-revos)
cmf01 lg electronics protect your investment don't forget to register! online at ? fill out and return this card within the next 10 days 1. 0 mr . 0 mrs . 0 ms . 0 miss first name initial last name street apt city state i province zip i postal code email address 2. telephone number 4. model number ( ) 3. date of purchase 5. serial number i i month day year 6. name of store where purchased www . lgusa . com/privacy failure to return this card will not diminish your warranty rights . copyright ? 2011 all rights reserved
? lg electronics, inc . lcd television limited warranty - usa your lg lcd television will be repaired or replaced, at lg's option, if it proves to be defective in material or work- manship under normal use, during the warranty period ("warranty period") listed below, effective from the date ("date of purchase") of original consumer purchase of the product. this warranty is good only to the original pu r chaser of the product and effective only when used in the united states, excluding u.s. territories. warranty period i how service is handled labor: one year from the date of purchase. parts: one year from the date of purchase. replacement units and repair parts may be new or factory remanufactured. replacement units and repair parts are warranted for the remaining portion of the original unit's warranty period. please retain dealer's dated bill of sale or delivery ticket as evidence of the date of purchase for proof of warranty, and submit a copy of the bill of sale to the service person at the time warranty service is provided. consumer user please call 1-800-243-0000 (24 hours a day, 365 days per year) for instructions on getting the defective unit repaired or replaced. visit our website at: http:/ / commercial user please call (888) 865-3026 (staffed during these times mon. - fri. 8:00am iv 5:00pm central standard time) for instructions on getting the defective unit repaired or replaced. visit our website at: http:/ / this warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, express or implied, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. to the extent any implied warranty is required by law, it is limited in duration to the express warranty period above. neither the manufacturer nor its u.s. distributor shall be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect, special, or punitive damages of any nature, including without limitation, lost profits, lost or corrupted programming or data, or any other damage whether based in contract, tort, or otherwise. some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusion or limitation may not apply to you. this warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state. this limited warranty does not apply to: ? damage caused in shipping or transit ? service required as a result of improper installation, including incorrect or insufficient ac supply (please consult the owner's manual for power supply requirements). ? installation or repair of antenna systems, cable converters, cable company supplied equipment, or other components in a video system ? set-up or adjustment on consumer controls, or damag e cau se d by improper adjustm e nts ? damage caused by other system components ? any unit that has been modified or incorporated into any other product ? replacement of batteries on the remote control. ? damage (including cosmetic damage), failure, loss or personal injury due to misuse, abuse, negl i gence , improper maintenance or storage, or to acts of nature or other causes beyond our control. (causes beyond our control include but are not limited to lightning strike, power surges, power outages and water damage.) ? image burn-in ? r e pair or replac e ment of warranted parts by other th a n an lg e authori ze d servic e ce nt e r s . ? un i ts purchased or serviced outside of the u.s.a. ? product where the original factory serial numbers have been removed , defaced or changed in any way. ? product sold and labeled as "as is, where is" or similar disclaimer. th e c o s t o f rep a ir or r e pl ace m e nt und e r t h ese exclud e d circum sta nc es shall b e born e by th e c onsum e r.
lcd television limited warranty - usa (continued) customer interactive center numbers consumer user please call 1-800-243-0000 (24 hours a day, 365 days per year) and select the appropriate option from the menu. to obtain customer assistance, product information, or dealer or authorized service center location: or visit our website at: commercial user please call (888) 865-3026 (staffed during these times mon. - fri. 8:00am "' 5:00pm central standard time) and select the appropriate option from the menu. or visit our website at: concerning pixel functionality: an lcd television contains hundreds of thousands of individual pixels. lcd displays typically contain a small number of pixels that do not function normally. your display has been inspected and is in compliance with manufacturer's specifications, indicating that any pixel defects do not effect the operation or use of your display. before calling for service: please have your product model number, serial number, and the date of purchase available. under some circumstances you may be asked to provide a reserve deposit to the lge service center, using a credit card number as surety for advanced shipment. your credit card will not be charged if you return the defective unit within 10 working days. if a replacement unit is received, please use the carton and packaging from that unit in returning the defective unit to the lge service center. parts and service in accordance with the lge warranty is our responsibility and will be provided without charge. other service requirements will be at the owner's expense. if you have problems in obtaining satisfactory warranty service, write or call the lge customer interactive service. to assure proper credit and avoid unnecessary charges, you must obtain a return authorization before returning any product to the factory service center. contact the customer interactive center for details. service for your lge television is provided through lg electronics alabama, inc., the authorized lge service center for the united states. to contact lg electronics by mail: lge customer interactive center p. 0. box 240007 201 james record road huntsville, alabama 35824 attn: cic lge lcd televisions are marketed and distributed in the united states by: lg electronics u.s.a., inc., 1000 sylvan avenue, englewood cliffs, nj 07632 p/no : 3840twl056a (0704-rev01) printed in korea

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