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  m ? ? ? @ b ? ? ? ? ? ? l @ i ? n @ q p w y u @ r ? ? ? ? @ r ? n l @ h ? ? ? ? ? l @ t ? ? ? ? @ w w p y y t ? z @ r x q n y x x n t v p p @ @ f ? ? z @ r x q n y x x n t v q u @ @ ? ? ? n ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? n ? ? e r p p u @ m ? ? ? @ b ? ? ? ? ? ? l @ i ? n c m m 2 3 2 1 r n t @ ? ? @ r n u @ g h ? q @ w ? ? ? @ p ? ? ? ? @ a C ? ? ? ?
3236 scott boulevard santa clara, california 95054 phone: (408) 986-5060 fax: (408) 986-5095 parameter condition min typ max units frequency range 2.4 2.5 ghz p -1db 30 30.5 dbm p out saturated p in = +14 dbm 31 31.5 dbm efficiency (pae) @ saturation 48 % gain 18 20 db harmonics 2nd @ pout = +30 dbm -35 -30 dbc 3rd @ pout = +30 dbm -40 -35 dbc noise figure 5.0 db return loss 10 db negative supply current (-ig) 0.5 1.0 ma positive supply current (id) @ p -1db 675 ma electrical characteristics the following specifications are guaranteed at room temperature with drain voltage (+v d ) = 4.8 v @ 2.45 ghz in celeritek test fixture. cmm2321 features o 48% power added efficiency o 31.5 dbm output power o low distortion o low cost so-8 surface mount package applications o wireless datacom o wireless bar code scanners o inter-building campus networks description the cmm2321 is a power amplifier intended for use in 2.4 ghz ism band applications such as wireless datacom equipment, wireless bar code scanners and inter-building cam- pus networks. this flexible amplifier can be biased to support the requirements of frequency hopping or direct sequence sys- tems. the cmm2321 is packaged in a low-cost, space effi- cient so-8 power package that gives excellent electrical sta- bility and thermal handling performance with a r q of less than 18 c/w. the part is designed to require minimal exter- nal circuitry for bias matching, simplifying design and keep- ing board space and cost to a minimum. 2.4 to 2.5 ghz 1 watt power amplifier recommended operating conditions parameter typ units parameter typ units drain voltage (+v d ) 4.5 to 5.1 volts operating temperature (pc board) -30 to +80 ? preliminary product information april 1997 (1 of 4) back plane is ground and must be soldered to thermally conductive ground plane. v g2 4 rf in 1 v g1 3 gnd 2 6 rf out/v d2 5 rf out/v d2 8 n/c 7 v d1 functional block diagram absolute maximum ratings parameter rating parameter rating parameter rating drain voltage (+v d ) +9.0 v* power dissipation 5 w operating temperature -40? to +100? drain current (i d ) 1.8 a thermal resistance 18?/w channel temperature 175? rf input power +15 dbm* storage temperature -65? to +150? soldering temperature 260? for 5 sec. dc gate voltage (-v g ) -4.0 v* * max (+v d ) and (-v g ) under linear operation. max potential difference across the device in rf compression (2v d + |-v g |) not to exceed the minimum breakdown voltage (v br ) of +18v.
3236 scott boulevard, santa clara, california 95054 phone: (408) 986-5060 fax: (408) 986-5095 cmm2321 pr eliminar y pr oduct infor mation - april 1997 (2 of 4) gain vs frequency gain, db frequency, ghz 2.40 2.45 2.50 22 18 19 20 21 3.6 v 4.5 v 4.8 v saturated power output vs frequency (p in = +14 dbm) frequency, ghz power out, dbm 16 21 26 31 2.40 2.45 2.50 3.6 v 4.5 v 4.8 v 36 power output vs power input @ 2.45 ghz power input, dbm power out, dbm 16 21 26 31 36 -2 2 6 14 10 4.8 v efficiency vs power input @ 2.45 ghz power input, dbm efficiency, % 0 25 50 75 0 2 6 14 10 4.8 v application information the cmm2321 is a two stage amplifier that requires a positive and negative supply voltage for proper operation. it is essential when turning on the device that the negative sup - ply be applied before the positive supply . when turning the device of f, the positive supply should be removed before the negative supply is removed. the cmm2321 can be operated over a range of sup - ply voltages and bias points. it is important that the maximum power dissipation of the package be observed at all times. design considerations biasing a negative voltage supply is needed to bias the gates of the 2-stage gaas fet power amplifier . gate 1 bias is applied through pin 3 (vg1) and gate 2 bias is applied through pin 4 (vg2). under most operating conditions gates 1 and 2 may be tied together . the positive supply voltage is applied to pins 5 and 6 (vd2) and pin 7 (vd1). the negative voltage supply should be adjusted to achieve a drain current of 600 ma with no rf input power to obtain a p1db of approximate - ly 30.5 dbm. matching cir cuits input and output matching circuits are required. the schematic and the pcb layout for the test board are shown on page 3. the matching circuits for the cmm2321 are highlighted on the pcb layout. a single shunt capacitor is used to match the output. their placement and value provide tuning. vd2 is fed through a l /4 trace. all other capacitors shown in the schematic are used for decoupling. note: circuit board 8251 is a multiple-use test board. the portions of the board that are used with the cmm2321 are shown as solid traces on the board layout drawing on page 3. the interface/conversion points in the evaluation board schematic are shown. these connection points may not be labeled identically on celeritek s pb-cmm2321 evaluation board. contact the factory for assistance in translating the external match to a specific application. supply ramping t o obtain the necessary power ramp, sup - ply side switching should be used. both drain voltages should be tied together and ramped to produce the required power vs. time response. thermal 1. the copper pad on the backside of the cmm2321 must be soldered to the ground plane. 2. all 8 leads of the package must be soldered to the appropri - ate electrical connection. 3. a lar ge ground plane area with plated thru-holes as shown on the pcb layout should be used as a backside connection. contact the factory for a copy of a manufacturing application note containing more detailed information. t ypical performance
3236 scott boulevard santa clara, california 95054 phone: (408) 986-5060 fax: (408) 986-5095 cmm2321 pr eliminar y pr oduct infor mation - april 1997 (3 of 4) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?@ @? ? ?'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@? ? ?v4@x? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@x? w@0m ? ?i46k? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@6k? o20m ? ?i46k? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@6k? o20m ? ?i'6k? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@6k?fo2(m ? s@@@@@@@@@6k ?i4@@@@@@@u? ? o20mhi4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6k ?i46k? ? o20m i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6k? ?i46k? ? o20m ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6k ?i46k? ? o2@y i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@6ke?v@6k? ? ?'@@@@@@6k i4@@@@@@@( ? ?v4@x?ei4@@@@@@@@@@@@6k w@0y ? ?i46k? i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@6k? o20m ? ?i46k? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@6k? o20m ? ?i46k? ?i4@@@@@@@@@@@@@6k o20m ? ?i'6k? i4@@@@@@@@@@@@6kgo2(m ? s@@@@@@@@@6k i4@@@@@@@@u? 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ypical?parameters can and do vary in dif ferent applications. all operating parameters, including ? ypicals?must be validated for each customer application by customer s technical experts. celeritek does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. celeritek products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body , or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the celeritek prod uct could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur . should buyer purchase or use celeritek products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, buyer shall indemnify an d hold celeritek and its of ficers, employees, subsidiaries, af filiates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly , any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that ce leritek was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. celeritek is a registered trademark of celeritek, inc. celeritek, inc. is an e qual opportunity/af firmative action employer . ordering information the cmm2321 is available in a surface mount so-8 power package and devices are available in tape and reel. part number for ordering package cmm2321-ak so-8 surface mount power package cmm2321-ak-000t so-8 surface mount power package in tape and r eel PB-CMM2321-AK evaluation board with sma connectors physical demensions connection diagram and pin descriptions pin # name description 1 rf in rf input (internally dc blocked) 2 gnd ground 3 v g1 input stage gate bias 4 v g2 output stage gate bias 5 rf out/v d2 rf output and v d2 . external matching cir - cuit required 6 rf out/v d2 rf output and v d2 . external matching cir - cuit required 7 v d1 input stage drain bias 8 n/c ground this pin rf in v g2 gnd v g1 v d1 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 match v d2 match rf out n/c

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